September 2023

In a service held September 20, 2023 at Walther Christian Academy in Melrose Park, Illinois, there was a profound sense of celebration joy. It was not just any ordinary day; it was a day dedicated to faith, education, and the mission to strengthen young minds to hold onto God’s Word throughout their lives. Leading the service, LCMS Northern Illinois District President Allan R. Buss reminded everyone in attendance of a vital virtue that should guide our journey through life – trust.

The focal point of the service was the Commissioning of Lori Boyer as a Rostered Church Worker. This occasion marked the culmination of Lori’s dedication and hard work in completing her Colloquy. Alongside her, Heather Hoy was also installed as a teacher. The smiles that radiated from these two remarkable individuals mirrored the joy that comes from serving both Christ and the community.

The role of Lutheran school teachers is vital. These dedicated educators provide an education deeply rooted in God’s Word to the children entrusted to their care.

The scriptural wisdom found in 1 Corinthians 12:12: For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ” leads Walther Christian Academy’s mission: “Walther Christian Academy is a culturally diverse and inclusive Christian middle and high school, rooted in the Lutheran tradition. Walther nurtures and prepares learners to fulfill their unique God-given potential through academic excellence, spiritual growth, and service, leadership and enrichment opportunities.” It’s a timeless reminder of the responsibility to nurture faith and wisdom in young hearts.

Walther Christian Academy is just one example of the over 1,800 preschools, elementary schools, and high schools within the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. These institutions play a pivotal role in publicly proclaiming and celebrating the work of God in the realm of education. They offer an opportunity to bridge the gap between academic excellence and spiritual growth.

The celebration at Walther Christian Academy was not just a moment of joy but a testament to the powerful connection between faith and education. It highlights the critical roles of church workers, pastors, and educators in shaping the next generation of believers.

Connected to this is a new initiative of Synod. Set Apart to Serve (SAS) is an initiative of the LCMS to recruit church workers. Since church work is rooted in Baptism and a lifetime of hearing the Word, SAS encourages young people to consider church work vocations primarily through their continued and faithful involvement with their congregation. Learn more about the LCMS church work recruitment initiative at

The LCMS Northern Illinois District supports raising new church workers through our Raising Up: Workers of the Word initiatives. We can embrace the opportunities, tackle the challenges together, and make an impact by providing financial support to those who are being called to church work. You can join us in this endeavor through your prayers and gifts. Please send a gift for those future church workers as they receive their training from our Concordia Universities and LCMS Seminaries. You may donate HERE.

Blessings to both Lori and Heather as they continue their roles as educators in the LCMS Northern Illinois District!


WELLNESS: Promoting and encouraging health and vitality in congregations, schools, ministries, professional workers and lay-leaders.

A day dedicated to faith, education, and the mission to strengthen young minds to hold onto God’s Word