Pastor Jorge Mazariegos signs charter documents for Vida y Fe.

Published March 3, 2020

Sunday, March 1, 2020, was a big day for Iglesia Vida y Fe in Elgin, Illinois. (“Vida y Fe” translates from Spanish to “Life and Faith” in English.) The congregation signed charter documents and is now officially a part of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

President Allan R. Buss expressed joy, hope, and a spirit of partnership in his sermon, which was translated into Spanish by Pastor Jorge Mazariegos.

The congregational chair, secretary, Pastor Mazariegos, and the congregation of Vida y Fe receive their charter from President Buss.

“Today is like a mountain. But the work continues tomorrow as well. It’s good work. The Lord fills you so that you can share life with others. It’s not just about the pastors. It’s about all of us keeping on with the mission. Jesus is for His Church. Jesus is for Vida y Fe! We are grateful for you. May Jesus be honored in this congregation for many years to come.”

During the service, the congregational chair, secretary, and Pastor Mazariegos came to the front of the sanctuary and signed the charter documents, joining in fellowship with over 6,000 other churches in the LCMS.

Many members from Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Elgin, Illinois, attended the service. Vida y Fe currently meets in Good Shepherd’s former sanctuary on Van Street in Elgin, and the two congregations are supportive of one another.

“It’s just amazing what the church does. Pastor Mazariegos puts on events for the community, like ESL classes and VBS, and through them he makes connections,” says a member from Good Shepherd.

Afterward all took time to celebrate the day with fellowship and food.

Vida y Fe Officially Chartered into the LCMS