L – R, Amy Stradtmann, Rev. Kris Whitby, Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Leininger, Rev. Dr. Allan R. Buss

Published February 28, 2020

Rev. Kris Whitby was installed as Assistant to the President–Mission and Ministry at Concordia University Chicago’s Chapel of our Lord on February 27, 2020.

In this new role, Pastor Whitby will work closely with the District President to serve the Lord’s work and mission in the Northern Illinois District. He will also work closely with NID staff, elected leaders and especially congregations, promoting and leading initiatives that are in harmony with God’s Word, the Lutheran Confessions, and involve current best practices. In addition to support for Word, Wellness and Witness, Pastor Whitby will assist the District President in assigned administrative duties.

“We are grateful that the Holy Spirit has led Pastor Kris Whitby to accept the Call the Northern Illinois District extended through the Board of Directors. Here we have a churchman – gifted, grounded in the LCMS with her Confession and Mission – ready and willing to serve the church at large. Special thanks to St. Paul Lutheran Church and School, Mount Prospect, where Pastor Whitby has served for 16 years, for their understanding and prayers. The Lord is at work in amazing ways! We know Word, Wellness and Witness, our vision, is also a passion for Pastor Whitby.” – Rev. Dr. Allan R. Buss, President, LCMS Northern Illinois District

Amy Stradtmann was also installed into Concordia’s College of Education.

Rev. Bo Graham, St. Paul Lutheran Church, Mount Prospect, Illinois, gave the homily, commending the two installees and the congregation to have, rather than a vague sense of optimism, a spirit of hope in Christ which would sustain them in their service to the Lord.

Those who attended the service were invited to a reception  in Ferguson Art Gallery.

God’s blessings to these newly installed workers as they do the Lord’s work advancing His Kingdom! (You may watch the entire recorded service at vimeo.com/cuclive.)

Rev. Kris Whitby Installed at Northern Illinois District