At St. John’s Lutheran Church in La Grange, members have found joy serving their neighbors in ways they might not have expected at the beginning of the year.
The LCMS Northern Illinois District Moves Forward With New Mission and Vision
Board of Directors of The Northern Illinois District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod authorized and directed the President and Secretary to sell the building and property at 2301 S. Wolf Road, Hillside, Illinois.
Ministry Update – What Can We Do? Speak, Listen, and Pray
Rev. Elstner Lewis’s address is shared here that the perspective of a fellow brother in Christ might edify and enlighten all believers in the Northern Illinois District as they follow Christ, loving and serving their neighbor in their vocation.
Immanuel, Elmhurst Paper Rollers
If you can help supply the Paper Rollers with newspaper, contact Immanuel Lutheran Church, Elmhurst.
Ministry Update – What Do We Leave Behind?
How would you like to be remembered? … Legacy focuses on what will endure, passing on ideas of lasting value to future generations.
The LCMS Northern Illinois District Launches Webinar Series
The LCMS Northern Illinois District is launching a webinar series, addressing opportunities related to ministry in our District, providing thought provoking insights that will help us strengthen our work together.
Installations: Immanuel, Crystal Lake and Christ, Sterling
With the beginning of the school year comes installations and commissionings of teachers in the LCMS Northern Illinois District.
Bible Translation Sunday 2020
This year, September 27 is Bible Translation Sunday.
Back to School Worship at St. John’s, La Grange
On August 10, 2020, teachers and administrators from across the NID gathered at St. John’s, La Grange for the second annual Back-to-School worship service and keynote.
South Side Clergy and Synod Officials Meet at Resurrection, Chicago
On Monday, July 27, 2020, LCMS Northern Illinois District and Synod officials met with several African American clergy at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Chicago to discuss spiritual care for African American congregations and individuals.