October 15, 2020

On September 28, 2020, the members of the Board of Directors of The Northern Illinois District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod authorized and directed the President and Secretary to sell the building and property at 2301 S. Wolf Road, Hillside, Illinois, which currently serves as the Northern Illinois District’s office building.

This follows the 2018 Northern Illinois District Convention adopted Resolution 2-07 To Establish a Task Force on Stewardship District Resources*, and examination by the Task Force with its findings presented in a report issued and presented to the Northern Illinois District Board of Directors on March 14, 2020.

In order to better facilitate the District initiatives of WORD, WELLNESS and WITNESS with careful stewardship in these uncertain times, President Allan R. Buss affirms:

This realignment of resources will allow the District to be more efficient in managing costs and resources, as well as enabling the District to uphold and support our overall mission of more deeply and closely connecting with congregations and ministries and their needs on a grass-roots basis for the sake of Christ’s work in advancing His Kingdom.

The existing 42 year old building is under-utilized for the current staffing requirements and will require significant costs for maintaining and repairing the building. This sale will also facilitate the desire for District to be close to the front line work occurring all over the Northern Illinois District.

We are aware of at least five other LCMS districts that are in similar deliberations. The Northern Illinois District staff is looking at a variety of options for an ongoing location that will meet the need of those served and, our Administrative Services Committee remains a great resource of wisdom and experience in maneuvering this new season.

Inquiries may be directed to Ann Ciaccio, Director of Communications at ann.ciaccio@nidlcms.org.

*Resolution 2-07 and the Task Force on Stewardship of District Resource Report March 14, 2020 may be found on our website at nidlcms.org/presidents-office/.


WELLNESS: Promoting and encouraging health and vitality in congregations, schools, ministries, professional workers and lay-leaders.
The LCMS Northern Illinois District Moves Forward With New Mission and Vision