June 2017

Our Savior Lutheran Church in Momence, Illinois, welcomed three new members in April. Each was drawn to the congregation through their relationship with a current member at a time of need.

Elva  and Rochelle were frustrated with churches and talking with another woman who was a member at Our Savior. She reached out and invited them to visit her church.

“After a couple of weeks they felt at home with our liturgy and hymnody. They then asked to take instruction toward joining our fellowship,” said the congregation’s pastor, Rev. David Juhl.

Denise had recently lost her husband when she met Pastor Juhl’s daughter, 12-year-old Catherine, at a knitting/crocheting group at the library in Momence. She discovered Cate was the daughter of the local LCMS pastor and told her some day she would come to visit her congregation. “Denise came on Ash Wednesday and then joined Elva and Rochelle in instruction,” he said.

All three were welcomed into membership on Palm Sunday. “This is not only the largest group I’ve welcomed into fellowship in the 10 years I’ve served here, it is the largest group of adult converts I’ve had in almost 15 years in the ministry,” Pastor Juhl added.

Momence is a town of around 3,000 in Kankakee County. Twenty years ago the congregation had over 100 in worship each weekend; now that number is around 40, Pastor Juhl said. “To have three women be refreshed in the Gospel heard from the pulpit and given to them in instruction is a blessing for me and for my congregation. Thanks be to God!”

Small Town’s Church Welcomes New Members