June 2022

At the June 13, 2022 LCMS Northern Illinois District’s Board of Directors meeting, nine initiatives were approved to receive District funding.

They are:

  • PALS -Supporting WELLNESS: Promoting and encouraging health and vitality in congregations, schools, ministries, professional workers and lay-leaders,  Post-Seminary Applied Learning and Support helps pastors and their wives transition from seminary to congregation. Learn more at nidlcms.org/pals.
  • Task Force: Multicultural Ministry – In support of 2022 LCMS Northern Illinois District Convention’s Resolution 3-03A, To study the Northern Illinois District’s ministry with multiethnic communities and grow in our understanding that actions of racial reconciliation clearly affirm Biblical truth.
  • Urban Ministry – Supporting WITNESS: Encourage personal witnessing, congregational engagement with their community, support of our NID partnerships and missions and sharing in a world mission field together, we see to build relations among our congregations for Kingdom work
  • Endowment Fund Contribution – The Endowment Grants supports programs consistent with the goals of the NID and may be submitted by NID congregations, schools, preschools, circuits, associations, and Recognized Service Organizations that are listed in the current Lutheran Annual.
  • Education Endowment Fund – Supporting WELLNESS: Promoting and encouraging health and vitality in congregations, schools, ministries, professional workers and lay-leaders by helping to clear away financial obstacles that stand in the way of someone becoming a church worker,
  • Flame – Supporting WELLNESS: Promoting and encouraging health and vitality in congregations, schools, ministries, professional workers and lay-leaders, FLAME (Future Lutheran Administrators – Midwest Educators) was developed to help prepare future leaders learn administrative skills. The goal of the intensive three-day conference is to equip these leaders with the tools to pursue a future in administration in Lutheran schools or to sharpen talents already in use as administrators. Learn more at nidlcms.org/support-lutheran-education
  • Shine Event – Supporting WITNESS: Encouraging personal witnessing, congregational engagement with their community, support of our NID partnerships and missions and sharing in a world mission field together, Shine is a servant event designed to “encourage every member” participation through any size group and any servant event. More information will be coming in the Fall 2022.
  • LCMS Work in Belize – In support of 2022 LCMS Northern Illinois District Convention’s Resolution 3-02, Adoption of Belize as the Northern Illinois District international mission focus.
  • Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries – In support of 2022 LCMS Northern Illinois District Convention’s Resolution 2-02, To affirm the sanctity of life. Learn more about Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries at rlom.org/expansion and Life Ministry in the NID at nidlcms.org/life-task-force.


In addition to board designated funding, grants are available and are a part of our mission and work together in the NID: Filled with living hope in Christ, Confessing, Praising, and Advancing His Kingdom through Word, Wellness, and Witness. And, they affirm that the LCMS Northern Illinois District is about the Mission. This is what we GET to do together!

The LCMS Northern Illinois District encourages you to partner with us in Advancing His Kingdom, faithfully serving the Gospel of Jesus Christ and sharing it in our community and the world. You make a difference!





Learn more about available grants www.nidlcms.org/ministry-support.


Filled with living hope in Christ, Confessing, Praising, and Advancing His Kingdom through Word, Wellness, and Witness.

NID BOD Designates Funds for Ministry