October 2022
The Board of Directors of the LCMS Northern Illinois District (NID) has approved funding for three initiatives under the new Mission Target Grants providing support to ministries who are seeking to expand their Gospel impact in their surrounding community. This is the first time the Mission Target Grants have been distributed.
Our Lord encourages us through the words of St. Paul 1 Corinthians 3:6-9. Even today Christ Jesus brings a harvest of lives eternally saved through the faithful, good work of proclaiming His Gospel!
In response to Jesus’ faithfulness, and with gratitude for a generous gift from Good Shepherd, Des Plaines, the NID has made available the Mission Target Grant. The Mission Target Grant’s first recipients who will receive support to ministries to expand their Gospel impact are:
Tabor Lutheran Church, Chicago – Intercultural Ministry Launch
Tabor desires to propel the Kingdom of God forward by a Latino Intercultural Ministry Launch. Tabor has called Rev. Walt Ramirez to serve as their Spanish-speaking pastor to the surrounding Latino community. Between Tabor’s already established partnerships with St. Peter Lutheran Church in Arlington Heights, Cross Lutheran Church in Yorkville, LINC, and the NID, there is excitement about a budding Latino Ministry in this urban setting.
Peace Lutheran Church/Salam Christian Fellowship, Lombard – Spiritual Retreats for Islamic Christian converts and seekers
The leaders of Salam Christian Fellowship and Peace Lutheran Church are conducting retreats at Walcamp each month in 2023 for some 20 to 60 seekers/converts from Islam and perhaps Judaism. There are times of adult Bible instruction and worship. What a blessing to help these new converts experience the joy of God’s creation at Walcamp while being discipled in the Christian faith, especially our Muslim neighbors.
Little Saints of St. Peter Preschool, North Plato/Hampshire – Educational support
This request is to complete the education of their next designated preschool director who needs additional education to meet DCFS standards. It is necessary training to raise up one of our church workers enabling them to work in this ministry.
“The NID’s Mission Target Grant was designed to bring significant financial support to District congregations, schools, and RSO’s. In this first round grants, what a blessing to see this fund utilized by our NID ministries to expand intercultural and educational mission work into our communities to bring the good news of Christ Jesus! May our Lord use our work together in this grant to His gracious purposes and glory!” – Rev. Kris Whitby, Assistant to the President, Mission and Ministry.
Some of the highlights of the Mission Target Grant include:
- It is available to all churches, schools, and RSOs of the NID
- It has no cap on the amount that may be requested
- Its funding may be utilized over a three-year period
- It will have two award periods each year, Spring and Fall, until the fund is fully expended
- It may be used to partially fund bringing a new church worker to a ministry
The Mission Target Grants Committee of the District considers requests for grants for all programs consistent with the goals of the NID. Grants may be submitted by NID congregations, schools, preschools, circuits, associations, and Recognized Service Organizations.
Requests incorporating one or more of the following will receive particular attention:
- Innovative projects that are designed to connect and engage with people in the surrounding community so that relationships can be developed and the potential for ministry occurs. All projects will lead to a clear witness to the Gospel as our Lord opens doors and creates opportunities.
- Specialized training for groups of individuals that will equip them to better serve in the NID and the Synod.
- Ministry initiatives which will lead, God willing, to new ways of incorporating Word+Wellness+Witness, as ways to help people learn about Jesus including but not limited to mission starts, church plants, expansion of current outreach-focused ministries, enhanced school connections to the community, and RSO launches and expansions.
Grant proposals should be submitted to Rev. Kris Whitby, Assistant to the President – Mission and Ministry, at kris.whitby@nidlcms.org. Proposals for each award period will be reviewed by the Mission Target Grant Committee the last Monday of February and August respectively.
For more information on the Mission Target Grant, visit our website at nidlcms.org/ministry-support.
WORD: Helping congregations be more centered on a rich life of Word and Sacrament, with congregational support in transitions as well as time of joys and sorrows.
WELLNESS: Promoting and encouraging health and vitality in congregations, schools, ministries, professional workers and lay-leaders.
WITNESS: Encouraging personal witnessing, congregational engagement with their community, support of our NID partnerships and missions and sharing in a world mission field together.