December 2022

As we move forward following our District Convention in March 2022, one of our focuses is on being present – because we are “stronger together”. We desire to have intentional conversations between laity, workers, and neighbors.

From President Allan R. Buss: “One holy work we have is to encourage each other in the Gospel as together we rely on the Word, look to Jesus always, and witness the great and saving acts of God among us.

An important way we move forward in encouraging one another is through Circuit Partnership Gatherings. Across the District, we are gathering congregations’ pastors, chairpersons, treasurers, parish administrators, and other congregational leadership for meaningful conversations that enable them to get to know each other, share challenges, and give thanks for the blessings received.

Our common agendas include:

  • Sharing God’s Word
  • Identifying joys and challenges
  • Hear what is going on in Christianity including key things to pay attention to
  • District highlights


One frequent outcome after the meetings that we heard was “we need to do this again-and soon”. We also heard about individual’s specific experiences.

“Prayers and praise with special people who love the Lord is so uplifting! Helping remind the lay workers that we are in this together. Pastors aren’t suppose to do it all. We need to make use of neighbor congregations for fellowship and projects.Barb Haring, Lay leader

“In going forward, we seek greater unity in the Spirt so that we may reach out to each other in love, seeking to build each other up for service, and reaching out to a world in need of physical help and in need of hearing the Gospel, your sins are forgiven in Jesus”. Rev. David Anderman, Circuit Visitor, W10

Our time together supports two of the resolutions adopted at the 60th Convention of The Northern Illinois District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod:

  • 1-03 To cultivate visitation to build up the Body of Christ, encourage the faithful, and bring about harmony.
  • 3-01 Congregations can have a greater impact for the Gospel by working closely together.

We are stronger together! And together we can make a difference in Advancing His Kingdom!


As the District office, we carry out our mission by upholding three pillars. These pillars direct our work together in the vision laid out for us.

WORD: Helping congregations be more centered on a rich life of Word and Sacrament, with congregational support in transitions as well as time of joys and sorrows.
WELLNESS: Promoting and encouraging health and vitality in congregations, schools, ministries, professional workers and lay-leaders.
WITNESS: Encouraging personal witnessing, congregational engagement with their community, support of our NID partnerships and missions and sharing in a world mission field together.

Meeting new friends, colleagues, and partners in ministry