Naomi Buss is commissioned and installed as a teacher August 16, 2020, Immanuel Lutheran, Crystal Lake. Also installed as teacher that day was Kristin O’Connor.


With the beginning of the school year comes installations and commissionings of teachers in the LCMS Northern Illinois District.

Many schools and churches have found it difficult to properly call and install teachers and pastors during the COVID-19 pandemic, since such actions require that the congregation hold an official meeting. Some congregations have found ways to carry on in spite of the inconvenience of social distancing. Holding congregational meetings virtually and installation services out of doors is new for some congregations, but the work of the Church requires inventiveness and resourcefulness.

The Church looks forward to the time when it can carry on its business in more customary ways, but until then, it patiently takes the necessary precautions to protect the health of its members and the broader community.

If your congregation needs assistance calling or installing a church worker, please contact the Northern Illinois District office.

NID president Rev. Dr. Allan R. Buss speaks at the opening of the year of Christ Lutheran School, Sterling and installs Denis Schlesselman as teacher.
Students at Christ Lutheran School, Sterling get accustomed to wearing masks in school.


Installations: Immanuel, Crystal Lake and Christ, Sterling