Covid-19 has dramatically affected our world in a variety of ways including making a global economic impact that has directly affected congregations and many church workers, perhaps even you. This has rapidly left many of our synod’s workers in economic distress.

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, the Lutheran Church Extension Fund, and the Northern Illinois District have joined together in creating a response to this economic downturn, designed to provide some temporal relief for those suffering financially due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This assistance is driven by the Soldiers of the Cross – Covid-19 Response Fund.

With the financial support of the Northern Illinois District and other LCMS entities, this fund is available to all church workers whether called, rostered, or lay workers, who serve in our Northern Illinois District ministries (congregations, schools, and RSOs). These funds will be distributed through reviews of those who submit the application below.


If you are a church worker in the LCMS Northern Illinois District and find yourself in need:

Print the information sheet.

Print application form. 

Your Help is Needed

The need is urgent. As you are able, please prayerfully consider supporting this initiative for our church workers in the Northern Illinois District through your gift of any amount. May the Lord richly bless your generosity.





Donations may also be mailed to LCMS Northern Illinois District Office, 1107 Monroe Ave., River Forest, IL 60305-1427, Note: Soldiers of the Cross.

Crisis Support for Church Workers