August 2022

A District-wide Bible Study on Colossians is now available for LCMS Congregations and their members to use this October.

In Christ and Into His World

The work on this Bible study fits hand-in-hand with the LCMS Northern Illinois District’s mission pillar of WORD: Helping congregations be more centered on a rich life of Word and Sacrament, with congregational support in transitions as well as time of joys and sorrows.

And, our work together is supported by Resolution 1-02 from the District’s 2022 Convention: To commemorate the 500th anniversary of Luther’s New Testament translation by encouraging Bible reading.

We encourage you to join Northern Illinois District congregations and their members this October as we explore these matters of faith which impact our world today.

Welcome to Colossae!

It was a city located in a beautiful area of what is now modern Turkey. It had been a prosperous place as it sat by a major trade route that connected it with much of the known world. It was the city of Colossae. Yet, by the first century AD, it was a city whose most glorious days were in its past. The Roman Empire had favored another nearby city, Laodicea, with trade and prosperity, so Colossae might have easily been overlooked with the spread of the Gospel through the work of the apostle Paul.

We live in a time, world, and immediate community which is adrift from any understanding of what it is to be the creation of the one true God and rebels against the true knowledge of salvation which comes only in Jesus Christ. Yet, our Lord sends His Church to this time and place, equipped with His Word to hold to our salvation in Jesus and winsomely confess Him for the salvation of others. Beginning October 2022, join fellow Lutherans throughout the NID as we take a four-week journey into Paul’s letter to the Church of Colossae through “In Christ and Into His World: A Study on Colossians.” Through this study, we’ll delve deeply into the Apostle Paul’s confession of Jesus as Creator of the cosmos and Redeemer of all creation. We’ll also gain biblical insight to address many issues that face our world today as well as be equipped to speak the hope of Jesus to our unbelieving friends and neighbors.

As you participate, whether in your own private devotions or with a small group, you’ll get the chance to explore important matters of faith which still impact our world today including:

  • Christ’s role in the creation of all things.
  • The sufficiency of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for the salvation of the whole world.
  • The need to hold to God’s Word for true knowledge and the strength to resist false teachings that lead away from Christ.
  • How our Lord ties us to His Life, Death, and Resurrection and unites us as His Church in the Sacrament of Holy Baptism.
  • How we are to live our lives as new creatures in Christ and what the source of that new life is.

Accompanying Webinar

Dr. Andrew Das will present a reconstruction of the situation that was facing the Church at Colossae which was the cause for Paul writing his letter. The webinar will be held on Monday, October 10, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. Registration is required.







Visit our webpage for study resources and webinar registration.

Resources including leaders’ guides, participants’ guides, and Spanish language participants’ guides are available now for use in small groups or individual study.

We encourage you to join Northern Illinois District congregations and their members this October as we explore these matters of faith which impact our world today.


WORD: Helping congregations be more centered on a rich life of Word and Sacrament, with congregational support in transitions as well as time of joys and sorrows.

NID Announces Second District-Wide Bible Study