The Women’s Leadership Institute conference is an opportunity for women to hone their leadership skills and develop confidence in their various roles at home, at church, and in the business world. WLI aims to answer the question, “What does a Christian leader look like in today’s world?”
Illinois Hay to Drought-Stricken South Dakota
Rev. Chris Navurskis and members at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Hinckley, Illinois, are reaching out to aid farmers in South Dakota who are stressed by draught. News reports on July 20 stated that 82 percent of the state was in some stage of drought.
Russian Pastor Shares His Story and Musical Talents
Pastor Yaroslav Boychenko of the Nizhny Novgorod Evangelical Lutheran Congregation in Russia visits Immanuel, Batavia, sharing his inspirational faith story and musical talents.
Concordia Plans Town Hall Meeting in District
Concordia Plan Services, the healthcare and retirement plan provider of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, is having a series of town hall meetings in July for the LCMS ministries in northern Illinois.
Visit Chicago’s First Saint Paul’s on Day of Dearborn Garden Walk
Many communities have garden walks in their community: a local group organizes a tour of spectacular gardens, sells tickets and raises money for a good cause. Have you ever considered how your church might tag along with such community-wide events?
NID Nominations Accepted Now
The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod’s Northern Illinois District will be electing a new president on March 9, 2018, and the nomination process is underway. Congregational nominations are due September 30, 2017.
Reformation 500: Let the Books Tell the Story
A German-Lutheran family from Philadelphia, the Reischles, visited a used-book store sometime in the 1830s. There, they came across an old German Bible that they purchased to be used as a family Bible. They had no idea that it was J.S. Bach’s personal Bible.
Life Ministry Taking Hold in Northern Illinois
Life ministry has become an established ongoing mission of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod’s Northern Illinois District.
Immanuel DeKalb Hosts June Ordination
Immanuel Lutheran Church & Student Center, in DeKalb, Illinois, was host to the ordination service for James Miller (left in photo with Immanuel Pastors Marty Marks and Ray Krueger, in back).
Seminar: Challenges That Churches Face Today
Dr. David Kim will be guest speaker on the challenges and issues that churches face today in a seminar being held by St. Paul Lutheran Church and School, Aurora, Illinois, on July 15 and 16.