Shawls, blankets, hats, mittens, and scarves are made of stitches. Whether they’re crocheted or knitted from yarn or two pieces of fleece neatly tied together, with time and intention, from something else, they are created. At Living Christ, Arlington Heights,
Family in Faith Opens Permanent Food Pantry
For twelve years, Family in Faith, Glendale Heights has hosted a monthly mobile food pantry. In December, they celebrated the grand opening of a permanent structure which will allow their food pantry opportunities to grow exponentially.
We All Have Questions
Join LCMS Northern Illinois District congregations in conversations about God, faith, and purpose.
Feeding Our Community Physically and Spiritually
“This is a sacred place.” The soup kitchen at St. Matthew, Chicago is more than a ministry which provides meals to those who are hungry. It is a “congregation,” a gathering place where all are welcome, and a community which spans neighborhoods and demographics to share the love of Jesus.
Journey to Bethlehem 2018
This Advent season, we invite you to “walk the streets of Bethlehem” with St. Andrew’s, Park Ridge; Bethlehem, West Dundee; St. Paul, Mount Prospect; and Vida y Fe, Elgin.
Children’s and Youth Ministries: Action and Truth
The community at Zion Lutheran Church and School in Marengo collectively embodies their directive verse, 1 John 3:18, though their school, outside of traditional school hours, in partnership with other schools, and while students are in college.
Children’s and Youth Ministries: Backpack Bash
Immanuel, Richton Park strives to be the “share Christ and build hope” with their community. One day this summer, they gave away nearly 400 backpacks full of supplies to equip students well for the school year. This month, they’ll provide brand-new winter coats to many students in their community. Most significantly, they build relationships with hundreds of families in their community and have become the people to whom community members know they can turn, if they’re in need of help.
Joy:fully Lutheran: Vivit by Pastor William Yonker
The synodical theme this year is “Joy:fully Lutheran.” Pastor William “Bill” Yonker shares what it means to him to be “joy:fully Lutheran:” to vivit. Because Jesus lives, we will too.
Children’s and Youth Ministry: Family Matins
Learn how a community of home-school families from several congregations worship together twice per school-year month
Children’s and Youth Ministry: Pastor Chats
One unique after-school ministry welcomes children into the Church, prepares them for confirmation, and teaches them the Church is just as much theirs as it is their parents and grandparents