When parents talk about how it feels having children, they sometimes say, “It’s like your heart is walking around outside of you.” Picturing this literally brings a comical image to mind. The heart has sprouted arms and legs, and it stumbles around clumsily, blindly bumping into things, frequently crying, “Ouch!” When the heart “swells with pride,” it doubles or even triples in size, like some kind of superhero. No matter what, though, the heart is always in danger of being broken; it is this sense of vulnerability that all parents experience.

Schools and teachers, then, hold a serious position. Entrusted with parents’ most precious and fragile possession, educators must practice responsibility; the work of stewarding the gift of a young human life is such an awesome responsibility.

In celebration and thanksgiving, all who share in this responsibility are invited to begin the 2019 school year in worship, served by our Lord’s gifts of Word and Sacrament at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Hillside at 9:00 AM on Friday, August 16. Teachers, aides, parents, administrators—everyone is welcome! District President Allan Buss will preach during the service. Afterward, Pastor Bill Yonker will present a keynote address with the theme “S.O.A.R. for More,” based on Isaiah 40:31, helping us to keep focused on our mission and tell about Jesus.

The start of school can often be hectic and stressful. We encourage you to begin the school year on with a firm foundation, grounded in God’s gifts, promises, and provision, and united in spirit with those who share in the mission of training up children in the way of the Lord.


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Back to School Worship August 16, 2019