November 2022
When they cry out to me, I will hear, for I am compassionate Exodus 22:27.
The LCMS Northern Illinois District (NID) encourages partnerships in faithfully serving the Gospel of Jesus Christ and sharing it in our community and the world. Once such example are the partnerships being developed by our Chicago congregations and the compassion they share for one another and their local neighborhoods.
The second Chicago Urban Ministry Forum was held October 20, 2022 at St. James Lutheran Church in Chicago. Here, pastors from our congregations in Chicago and leadership from the Chicagoland Lutheran Educational Foundation (CLEF) and NID came together to get to know each other as “different” entities and to help each other find solutions to their unique challenges.
The city of Chicago is made up of 77 neighborhoods. Each congregation’s neighborhood has its own unique set of challenges but we have the same goal: bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to their communities.
Devotions were led by Rev. Joel Hess, Senior Pastor at St. James Lutheran Church in the Lincoln Park area of Chicago. St. James was the host congregation for this forum.
Each pastor spoke of the joys they see in their congregation. And each congregation is a community of believers who, with the help of God, is making disciples for Christ. They are all witnesses to what God is doing in Chicago.
They face challenges as well. Lexi Schmidt, Chicago City Director, LINC, led a workshop where the pastors discussed in small groups their “problems, solutions to the problems, and the anticipated results” through an ultimate goal worksheet. LINC, a Recognized Service Organization of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, empowers local leaders to impact their communities through the Gospel. Pastors brainstormed a list of problems that their God-given dreams will solve, listed unique solutions, and results people will experience because of their solutions. They were able to explore solutions together.
This partnership is in support of – and alignment with – our Convention Witness Resolution 3-01: Congregations can have a greater impact for the Gospel by working closely together.
The District encourages the partnerships of congregations, lay leaders, ministry partners, and its members in Advancing His Kingdom through upholding three pillars. These pillars direct our work together in the vision laid out for us.
WORD: Helping congregations be more centered on a rich life of Word and Sacrament, with congregational support in transitions as well as time of joys and sorrows.
WELLNESS: Promoting and encouraging health and vitality in congregations, schools, ministries, professional workers and lay-leaders.
WITNESS: Encouraging personal witnessing, congregational engagement with their community, support of our NID partnerships and missions and sharing in a world mission field together.
We are stronger together!