January 2017
Americans are, by far, the wealthiest people on earth, yet churches struggle to pay their salaries and benefits, needed maintenance is neglected and worthwhile ministries are shelved. Meanwhile, McMansions replace modest homes, sales of new cars are healthy, and people vacation around the world. People have money to give; churches need to learn how to teach, and ask, their members to do so.
A stewardship seminar for congregations in The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod’s Northern Illinois District will help them understand church giving and how to have an effective annual stewardship emphasis. It will be held in two locations: the Northern Illinois District office, 2301 S. Wolf Road, Hillside, Illinois, on Thursday, February 9, 2017, and St. Paul Lutheran Church, 85 S. Constitution Dr., Aurora, on Saturday, February 11. It will begin at 9 a.m. (registration and refreshments at 8:30) and end at 4 p.m. Cost is $40 per person and will include lunch. It is designed for both pastors and lay people, especially any person or team responsible for stewardship in their congregation.
The seminar will be led by Rev. Mark Bussert, an experienced parish pastor who now serves as stewardship director for three NID congregations. “Pastors receive little or no training in the area of stewardship,” Bussert says, “but it is a crucial component of congregational life—not only for the support of the church’s ministries, but because it is an important part of raising up effective and joyful disciples and followers of Jesus Christ.”
A previous participant in the seminar says, “Your seminar really helped me give some structure to our stewardship program… we did an annual stewardship emphasis in October and our congregation really responded to the messages delivered each week. We also had a strong response to our pledge drive. I really did enjoy your seminar and gained a lot of valuable ideas to implement. Thank you so much!”
To register for the seminar, email office@ni.lcms.org or call 708-449-3020.