Lutheran Heritage Foundation will print a Bible Storybook in Swahili, thanks to LWML-NID’s $10,000 grant.

July 2017

Where do Lutheran Women’s Missionary League mite offerings go? These are the daily contributions collected by women of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and submitted through their local society to support both district and national mission projects chosen by LWML delegates in convention.

At its district convention last fall, the members of the LWML Northern Illinois District voted to fund 10 mission grants for the 2016-2018 biennium. These grants, funded through local members’ mite giving, will support ministries in the U.S. and other countries.

One of those granted projects is Bible Storybooks for Kenya and Tanzania ($10,000 to Lutheran Heritage Foundation). This grant will fund printing and distribution of a Bible storybook in the Swahili language.

The task of bringing the message of the Gospel to Sunday School children must be incredibly difficult without text or pictures to help convey the stories. The simplicity of this book, A Child’s Garden of Bible Stories, will make a wonderful vehicle for conveying the Gospel. These 60 Old and New Testament stories share the whole story of God’s love, from creation to the resurrection.

Rev. Jeffrey Rahn, assistant executive director of Lutheran Heritage Foundation, expressed his thanks to women of the Northern Illinois District: “We are grateful to the women of the LWML NID for providing a grant to fund the printing of this Bible storybook in the Swahili language. Soli Deo Gloria – Glory to God alone!”

Spotlight on LWML-NID Grants