Pastor Yaroslav Boyhenko performed a classical piano concert featuring selected pieces by J. S. Bach as well as traditional Ukranian and Polish folk songs at various congregations across the LCMS Northern Illinois District

Pastor Boyhenko was a featured preacher at Immanuel during the weekend services, preaching from the book of Isaiah.

Pastor Yaroslav Boyhenko was born in the Ukraine and raised in an atheist Soviet family.

He graduated from the College of Music in Vinnitsa and the Music Conservatory in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia where he majored in music history and musicology. Through the music of Bach, he became interested in learning about God and was baptized.

Later, he attended seminars in Moscow organized by the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod as continuing education for pastors and lay leaders. He was ordained as pastor of Nizhny Novgorod Evangelical Lutheran Congregation in 2005.

Russian Pastor Shares His Story and Musical Talents