Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod roster changes reported by the Northern Illinois District President’s office and Education office include the following:

As of January 31, 2025


Busse, Mitchell; Status change – from Faith, Lake Forest to candidate

Gresens, Joan; Called to Glory

Grunst, Nathaniel; Called to Glory

Harbke, James; Transfer in – Emeritus from English District – Emeritus

Hardecopf, Brett; Resigned from the roster

Heinze, Jennifer; Status change – from candidate to emeritus

Kammrath, William; Called to Glory

King, Linda; Removed from the roster

Klotz, Verner; Called to Glory

Krieger, Dana; Resigned from the roster

LeBeau, William; Removed form the roster

Smith, Jennifer; Transfer out – candidate to North Wisconsin District – candidate

Starr, Dawn; Transfer out – emeritus to Florida-Georgia District – emeritus

Sulliven, Brooke; Removed from the roster

As of December 31, 2024


Agne, Lori; Resigned from the roster

Harder, Scott; Resigned from the roster

Loveless, Aaron; Status change – from St. John’s, La Grange to candidate

Mbadu, Danielle; Resigned from the roster

Pederson, Andrew; Resigned from the roster

Porterfield, Sharon; Status change – from candidate to emeritus

Reineke, Anna; Transfer out – from Walcamp to Peace, Eau Claire, WI

Vasilie, Bethany; Resigned from the roster

Wilt, Robin; Resigned from the roster

Yanong, Gayle; Resigned from the roster


As of November 30, 2024


Abramowski, Meredith; Transfer out – from candidate to candidate South Wisconsin District

Ausra, Nora; Removed from the roster

Baltes, Katrina; Removed from the roster

Barajaz, Elizabeth; Removed from the roster

Brennan, Kari; Removed from the roster

Budzynksi, Laura; Removed from the roster

Cheatham, David; Removed from the roster

Christensen, Linda; Removed from the roster

Cramer, Sean; Removed from the roster

Dean, Natalie; Removed from the roster

Meyer, Linda; Called to Glory

Retzlaff, Marissa; Transfer out – from candidate to candidate SELC

Tuomi, Matthew; Resigned from the roster


As of October 31, 2024


Cosby, Amanda; Removed from the roster

Heil, John; Status change – from candidate to emeritus

Lee, Nancy; Status change – from candidate to emeritus

Mannes, Teri Lyn; Resigned from the roster

Marten, Caryn; Resigned from the roster

Mertz, Darryl; Status change – from Rockford Lutheran, Rockford to emeritus

Nottingham, Kim; Resigned from the roster

Sidlowski, Jillian; Resigned from the roster

Torreson, Megan; Transfer out – from candidate to Iowa West District


As of September 30, 2024


Brouch, Gretchen; Resigned from the roster

Brown, Susan; Installed – from Commissioned – Teacher to Deaconess – St. Mark’s, St. Charles

Giuliani, Michael; Resigned from the roster

Loza, Donna; Resigned from the roster

Lutze, Sonya; Resigned from the roster

Rasmussen, Haley; Resigned from the roster

Siksna, Carinna; Resigned from the roster

Smith, Melissa; Status change – from Concordia University Chicago to candidate

Staehr, Caleb; Transfer out – from candidate to Trinity, Springfield MO

Tanney, Nicole; Transfer in – from candidate Missouri District to candidate

Uffenbeck, Tana; Resigned from the roster

Ziech, William; Status change – from Cross, Yorkville to emeritus


As of August 31, 2024


Allor, Cindy; Installed – St. Peter, Schaumburg

Bales, William; Commissioned and Installed – St. John’s, Lombard

Bjorklund, Belinda; Resigned from the roster

Brackman, Diane; Status change – from candidate to emeritus

Calendo, Tanya; Installed – Immanuel, Palatine

Erdman, Jerold; Status Change – from Rockford Lutheran School to candidate

Faurot, Hannah; Transfer Out – from candidate to Indiana District candidate

Fiesman, Carole; Installed – Immanuel, Crystal Lake

Golz, Allison; Installed – Trinity, Burr Ridge

Hammes, Debra; Status Change – from Trinty, Burr Ridge to emeritus

Hammes, Neil; Status Change – from Trinity, Burr Ridge to emeritus

Heller, Jennette; Transfer out – from candidate to Southern Illinois District candidate

Hinze, Adele; Status Change – from St. Paul’s, Bourbonnais to emeritus

Hokana, Brittany; Installed – Rockford Lutheran School

Klatt, Emmalynn; Transfer in – from South Wisconsin District candidate to candidate

Laabs, June; Status Change – from candidate to emeritus

Lancaster, Sophie; Commissioned and Installed – Immanuel, Batavia

Laubenstein, Katherine; Installed – Christ Lutheran School Assn, Sterling

Mannes, Teri Lyn; Status Change – from St. John’s, LaGrange to candidate

Mazariegos, Karina; Commissioned and Installed – Vida y Fe/Life and Faith, West Dundee

Nitz, Kenlyn; Commissioned and Installed – Rockford Lutheran School

Potvin, Alicia; Installed – St. Peter, Arlington Heights

Price, Lora; Installed – Bethany, Naperville

Przyblski, Sonja; Transfer in – from candidate, Central Illinois District to candidate

Raddatz, Lauren; Transfer in – from candidate, Central Illinois District to candidate

Richard, Lisa; Resigned from the roster

Rogers, Eric; Installed – Bethany, Naperville

Rozelle, Angela; Installed – Immanuel, Palatine

Samuta, Ashely; Commissioned and Installed – St. John’s, Lombard

Sawusch, Pamela; Installed – St. John’s, Chicago

Schalow, Kathleen; Installed – Immanuel, Belvidere

Schauer, Hannah; Transfer Out – from candidate to Iowa East candidate

Sievert, Rachel; Transfer Out – from Rockford Lutheran, Rockford to Valley, Saginaw, MI

Stiek, Katarina; Installed – Immanuel, Palatine

Strable, Eleanor; Installed – Cross, Yorkville


As of July 31, 2024


Dragel, Denise; Status Change – from Immanuel, East Dundee to retired

Hipenbecker, Timothy; Status Change – from Immanuel, Crystal Lake to candidate

Keller, Stephanie; Installed – Lutheran Church Charities

Kortze, Donald; Status Change – from Rockford Lutheran, Rockford to emeritus

Montgomery, Andrew; Transfer out – from Trinity, Tinley Park to St. Paul, Fort Worth, TX

Sandusky, Karen; Resigned from the roster

Spear, Alexandra; Transfer out – from Immanuel, Belvidere to Our Savior, Louisville, KY

Swanson, David; Called to Glory

Wilbert, Lori; Status change – from Voice of Hope to emeritus

Winston, Valerie; Transfer out – from Immanuel, Hillside to St. Peter’s East Detroit, MI


As of June 30, 2024


Andermann, Rosemary; Called to Glory

Bierlein, Beth; Transfer out – from Immanuel, Batavia to St. Peter’s, Reedsburg, WI

Bodey, Kevin; Commissioned and Installed – Christ the Rock, Rockford

Engel, Trisha; Transfer out – from Immanuel, Belvidere to St. Paul’s, Munster, IN

Epting, Kim; Installed – from teacher to principal – Trinity, Roselle

Fogelman, Erica: Resigned from roster

Freudenberg, Howard; Status change – from Rockford Lutheran, Rockford to emeritus

Gaede, Valerie; Status change – from St. John, Wheaton to emeritus

Gemkow, Kristin; Status change – resigned from roster

Johnson, Brittany; Commissioned and installed – St. Matthew, Hawthorn Woods

Ladwig, Barbara-em; Called to Glory

Mielke, Abigail; Transfer out – from Zion, Marengo to Trinity, Elkhart, IN

Mullaney, Joy; Status change – from St. John’s, Lombard to emeritus

Pygman, Patricia; Status change – from Immanuel, Hillside to emeritus

Stieter, Hope; Transfer out – from Immanuel, Belvidere to St. Lorenz, Frankenmuth, MI

Schools Closed:

St. John’s Lutheran Preschool, Woodstock – closed 6/5/2024

St. Paul (Austin) Lutheran School, Chicago – closed 6/5/2024

St. John’s Lutheran School, Country Club Hills – closed 6/5/2024


As of May 31, 2024


Hermann, Donald; Called to Glory

Moi, Rachel; Transfer In – from candidate, New Jersey District

Rusche, Sarah; Installed – Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries

Schroeder, Melvin; Called to Glory

Szymanksi, Amanda; State change – removed from roster

Vogel, Mary; Status change – from Lutheran School of St. Luke, Itasca to emeritus

Wilcox, Mark; Status change – resigned from roster


As of March 31, 2024


Duffy, Sarah; Transfer in – from candidate Florida-Georgia District to candidate NID

Fisher, Janet; Transfer out – from emeritus NID to emeritus Indiana District

Herr, Nowell; Status change – resigned from the roster

Shaw, Joy; Transfer in – from candidate Missouri District to candidate NID

Sheehan, Sandra; Status change – resigned from the roster

Trinche, Lori; Status change – from Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries to candidate

Volkert, Marianne; Transfer out – from candidate NID to candidate Michigan District

Weren, Laura; Status change – resigned from the roster


As of January 31, 2024


Anderson, Janet; Resigned from the roster

Becker, Kenneth; Status change – from active to emeritus

Bishop, Diane; Resigned from the roster

Busse, Mitchel; Installed – Faith, Lake Forest

Fisher, Janet; Transfer out – from emeritus NID to emeritus Indiana District

Golz, Paul; Called to Glory

Gruenwald, Mark; Transfer out – from candidate to Missouri District

Gustafson, Karen; Status change – from candidate to emeritus

Hansen, Nicholas; Commissioned

Hansen, Nicholas; Installed – from graduate to St. John, Sycamore

McAdams, Jennifer; Resigned from the roster

Schultz, Beth; Transfer out – from candidate to Minnesota South


As of December 31, 2023


Bray, Nancy; Status change – from Immanuel, Crystal Lake to candidate

Bucciferro, Lindsay; Status change – from St. Andrews, Park Ridge to candidate

Crouch, Ashley; Removed from the roster – non-response

Current, Benjamin; Removed from the roster – non-response

Douglas, Tracie; Transfer in – from candidate, Indiana District to candidate, NID

Eichert, Carol; Transfer out – from emeritus, NID to emeritus, Florida-Georgia District

Green, Jennifer; Removed from the roster – non-response

Klopke, Julie; Installed – from St. John, Indianapolis to LEA, River Forest

Laubenstein, Katherine; Transfer in – from South Wisconsin District to candidate, NID

Stephens, Marcella; Called to Glory

Stumpf, Linda; Transfer out – from emeritus, NID to emeritus, Indiana District

Volk, Susan; Called to Glory

Waterman, Robert; Called to Glory


As of December 1, 2023


Bretthauer, Mary Pat; Removed from the roster – Resigned

Budil, Donna; Installed – Lord of Glory, Grayslake

Gerner, Steven; Transferred out – to South Wisconsin District

Grese, Susan; Transfer in – from emeritus, Michigan District to emeritus, NID

Koenig, Dawn; Removed from the roster – Resigned

Pece, Katie; Installed – from candidate to Concordia University Chicago

Sanders, Cheryl; Called to Glory

Schauer, Hannah; Status change – from St. John, Union to candidate

Zobel, Suzanne; Transfer in – from emeritus, English District to emeritus NID


As of November 6, 2023


Bierlein, Leon; Called to Glory

Erwin, Brittney; Removed from the roster-non response

Gerner, Steven; Status change from Concordia University Chicago to candidate

Hoffman, Karisa; Status change from St John’s, Lombard to candidate

School Closed

St Andrew Lutheran Preschool, Rockton closed 05/16/2023


As of October 9, 2023


Mallegni, Gretchen; Status Change Resigned from the Roster

Nitz, Angela; Installed from Holy Cross, Dallas TX to Immanuel, Belvidere

Ressler, Christine; Transfer Out from candidate to candidate, New Jersey District

Rink, Adam; Status Change Resigned from the Roster

Strable, Eleanor; Commissioned

Strable, Eleanor; Installed St Paul Lutheran Church (Austin), Chicago


As of September 7, 2023


Carlson, Rev. Matthew; graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN; to Our Savior Lutheran Church, Joliet, IL; (NID); (Sole); Ordained & Installed (08/20/2023)

Gonzalez-Feliciano, Rev. Miguel; from King of Glory Lutheran Church, Elgin, IL; (NID); (Sole); transferred to St. Paul Lutheran Church & Immanuel Lutheran Church of Klinger, Readlyn, IA; (Iowa East District); (Multi-Parish Pastor); (08/21/2023)

Klopke, Rev. Paul; from Voice of Care; (Indiana District); to St. Peter Lutheran Church, Arlington Heights, IL; (NID); (Associate Pastor); (Installed 08/12/2023)

Morales, Rev. Angel; from NID Candidate Status; to New Song Community Church, Aurora, IL; (NID); (Sole); (Installed 08/06/2023)

Murr, Rev. James; from Bethlehem Lutheran Church, West Dundee, IL; (NID); (Sole); transferred to Immanuel Lutheran Church, St. Clair, MI; (Michigan District); (Senior); (08/28/2023)

Naumann, Rev. Edward; from Candidate Status; (English District); to St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Brookfield, IL; (NID); (Sole); (Installed 08/27/2023)

Witt Duarte, Rev. Alvaro; graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO; to St. John Lutheran Church, Wheaton, IL; (NID); (Associate); Ordained & Installed (08/26/2023)


Christiansen, David; Status Change from St. Andrews, Park Ridge to emeritus

Christiansen, Leslie; Installed from Immanuel, Glenview to St. Andrews, Park Ridge

Erdman, Jerald; Installed from Rockford Lutheran, Rockford to Rockford Lutheran Academy (principal)

Handrock, Sarah; Transfer In from Rocky Mountain District emeritus to NID emeritus

Inkinen, Pamela; Status Change resigned from the roster

Keane, Kimberly; Status Change resigned from the roster

Kohrs, Jonathan; Status Change from Concordia University Chicago to candidate

Lloyd, Nicola; Installed from Immanuel, Palatine to St. Paul, Mount Prospect

Mielke, Mariah; Commissioned

Mielke, Mariah; Installed Zion, Marengo

Nitz, Todd; Installed from Dallas Lutheran to Rockford Lutheran, Rockford

Oliver, Timothy; Installed from St. Paul, Aurora to Immanuel, Belvidere

Pece, Katie; Status Change from St .John’s, LaGrange to candidate

Perino, Mikala; Installed from Christ, Yuma, AZ to St. Paul, Aurora

Piel, Lianne; Installed from St. John’s, Elgin to St. Paul, Mount Prospect

Runge, Michelle; Installed from St. John’s, Chicago to St. John’s, Chicago (principal)

Spear, Alexandra; Installed from St. Paul, Ann Arbor, MI to Immanuel, Belvidere

Staehr, Caleb; Status Change from Rockford Lutheran, Rockford to candidate

Woock, Emily; Transfer In from Redeemer, Elmhurst to Concordia University Chicago

Woock, Emily; Installed from Redeemer, Elmhurst to Concordia University Chicago

School Closed:

St. John Lutheran Preschool and Kindergarten, Darien


As of August 9, 2023


Dieckmann, Rev. Andrew; from Trinity Lutheran Church, Lisle, IL; (NID); (SMP Assistant Pastor); to NID Emeritus; (01/01/2023); Reported 07/05/2023

Ferguson, Rev. Ryan; graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO; to St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Hawthorn Woods, IL; (NID); (Associate); Ordained & Installed (07/01/2023)

Gauger, Rev. William; from Trinity Lutheran Church, Genoa, IL; (NID); (Sole); to NID Candidate Status; (07/24/2023)

Kirk, Rev. James; graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO; to Immanuel Lutheran Church, Crystal Lake, IL; (NID); (Associate); Ordained & Installed (07/09/2023)

Klatt, Rev. Zachary; from Grace Lutheran Church, Menomonee Falls, WI; (South Wisconsin District); (Associate); to Immanuel Lutheran Church, Freeport, IL; (NID); (Sole); (07/08/2023)

Ortiz-Lugo, Rev. Carlos; Colloquy Certified by Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO; to Holy Cross Evangelical Lutheran Church, Chicago, IL; (NID); (Sole); (Installed 07/16/2023)

Steinmann, Rev. Andrew; from Concordia University Chicago, River Forest, IL; (NID); (Professor of Theology and Hebrew); to NID Emeritus; (07/01/2023)

Steinmann, Rev. Andrew; NID Emeritus; to Ohio District; (Emeritus); (07/02/2023)


Bersie, Mark; Status Change from active to emeritus

Crimmins, Ruth; Status Change from active to emeritus

Dvorak, Jessica; Transfer In from Iowa East District candidate to Cross, Yorkville

Eichert, Lawrence; Transfer Out from NID to Florida-Georgia emeritus

Ferwerda, Joseph; Installed from St. John, Burlington to Immanuel, Crystal Lake

Gaffney, Sarah; Transfer Out from NID to St. Paul, Hamel, IL

Green, Danny; Status Change from St. John’s, Chicago to emeritus

Grube, Edward; Status Change from LEA to emeritus

Hemmann, Oliver; Called to Glory

Perino, Mikala; Transfer In from Christ, Yuma, AZ to St. Paul, Aurora

Richard, Lisa; Status Change from Rockford Lutheran, Rockford to candidate

Webb, Janet; Transfer Out from NID to Pacific Southwest emeritus

Zielke, Stephen; Status Change from St. Peter, Schaumburg to emeritus


As of July 5. 2023


Ader, Rev. Kevin; NID Candidate Status; Resigned Voluntarily from the Roster; (06/19/2023)

Appel, Rev. Anthony; from St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, Morrison, IL; (NID); (Sole); to Messiah Lutheran Church, Wolcottville, IN; (Indiana District); (Sole); (06/20/2023)

Corzine, Rev. Jacob; from Concordia University Chicago, River Forest, IL; (NID); (Associate Professor of Theology); to Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, MO; (Missouri District); (Vice President of Publishing); (06/17/2023)

Helbig, Rev. Russell; NID Emeritus; transfer to Southern Illinois District; (Emeritus); (06/29/2023)

Hoffmann, Rev. Gregory; from St. Paul Lutheran Church, Rochelle, IL; (NID); (Sole); to NID Emeritus; (06/01/2023)

Holyer, Rev. John; from Trinity Lutheran Church, Lansing, IL; (NID); (Sole); to St. Paul Lutheran Church, Annapolis, MD; (Southeastern District); (Sole); (06/10/2023)

Leininger, Rev. Jeffrey; from Concordia University Chicago, River Forest, IL; (NID); (Campus Pastor); to First St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Chicago, IL; (NID); (Sole); (06/25/2023)

Scott, Rev. John; from Crosspoint Lutheran Church, Lakewood, IL; (NID); (Sole); to Our Savior’s Way Lutheran Church, Ashburn, VA; (Southeastern District); (Senior); (06/07/2023)


Borchers, Kevin; Installed from Concordia University Chicago to Trinity, Roselle

Carnehl, Janet; Status Change from candidate to emeritus

Eichert, Lawrence; Status Change from active to emeritus

Faga, Carla; transfer out to Immanuel, Loveland, CO

Fagalde, Patricia; transfer out from NID emeritus to Indiana District emeritus

Giammarino, Beth; Status Change from Zion, Hinsdale to emeritus

Kloess, Susan; Status Change from St. Andrews, Park Ridge to emeritus

Kuck, Glen; Status Change from St. Paul, Chicago to emeritus

Lewandowski, Christina; Status Change removed from the roster-non response

Mullaney, Joy; Status Change from Immanuel, Palatine to candidate

Neyer, Mary; Status Change from Cross, Yorkville to candidate

Oberg, Sandra; Called to Glory 06/03/2023

Rocans, Roberta; Status Change from St. John’s, Chicago to emeritus

Schaefer, Jeffrey; Status Change from Immanuel, Belvidere to emeritus

Stuart, Christine; Status Change from Immanuel, Batavia to candidate

Volk, Susan; Status Change from Zion, Hinsdale to emeritus

White, Mary; Status Change from Lutheran Church of St. Luke, Itasca to candidate


As of June 8, 2023


Chormann, Rev. William; from NID Emeritus; to Called to Glory; (05/16/2023)

Donovan, Rev. Robert; from St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, Montgomery, IL; (NID); (Intentional Interim Pastor); to NID Emeritus; (05/01/2023)

Etheridge, Rev. Robert; from Grace Lutheran Church, Northbrook, IL; (NID); (Sole); to St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Schaumburg, IL; (NID); (Sole); Installed (05/20/2023)

Helbig, Rev. Russell; from Christ Lutheran School, Sterling, IL; (NID); (School Principal); to NID Emeritus (05/27/2023)

Kennaugh, Rev. Eric; from Immanuel Lutheran Church, Batavia, IL; (NID); (Senior); transferred to Lutheran Church Extension Fund, St. Louis, MO; (LCEF-VP of Ministry Solutions); Installed (05/02/2023)

Koester, Rev. Kevin; from St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Brookfield, IL; (NID); (Sole); to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Walnut, IL; (NID); (Assistant); Installed (05/20/2023)

Koester, Rev. Kevin; from St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Brookfield, IL; (NID); (Sole); to Christ Lutheran School, Sterling, IL; (NID); (School Principal); Installed (05/21/2023)

Morales, Rev. Angel; from St. Paul Lutheran Church, Aurora, IL; (NID); (Associate); to NID Candidate Status; (05/05/2023)

Willig, Rev. Mark; from Friends in Christ Lutheran Church, Morris, IL; (NID); (Sole); to NID Emeritus; (05/01/2023)

Congregation Merger:

Merger of Beecher Congregations – Zion Lutheran Church, Beecher, IL; St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Beecher, IL; St. John Lutheran Church, Beecher, IL; Removed (05/20/2023); Peace Lutheran Church, Beecher, IL; Charter Service (05/21/2023)


Armbrecht, Carol; Transfer Out from Trinity, Lisle to Peace, Saginaw, MI

Estrada, Nancy; Status Change from St. Paul, Aurora to candidate

Raabe, David; Status Change from candidate to emeritus

Villegas, Mariaisabel; Status Change from St. Paul, Aurora to candidate


As of May 16, 2023


Allman, Rev. Phillip; transferred from First Evangelical Lutheran Church, Orange Grove, TX; (Sole); Texas District; to St. John Lutheran Church, Lena, IL; (NID); (Sole); Installed (04/15/2023)

Canjura, Rev. Hector; from Good Shepherd Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Berwyn, IL; (NID); (Sole); to NID Emeritus; (04/10/2023)

Davis, Rev. Christopher; from Immanuel Lutheran Church, Batavia, IL; (NID); (Associate); to NID Emeritus; (04/14/2023)

Kendall, Rev. Chad; from NID Candidate Status; to Concordia University Chicago, River Forest, IL; (NID); (University Staff); Installed (04/18/2023)

Moeller, Rev. Eric; transferred from Trinity Lutheran Church, Portland, OR; (Sole); Northwest District; to Concordia University Chicago, River Forest, IL; (NID); (University Staff); Installed (04/18/2023)

Church Dissolved:

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Des Plaines, IL; (NID); removed/dissolved; (04/25/2022); Reported 02/14/2023


Davies, Erica; Transfer Out from Trinity, Roselle to St. Paul, Decatur

Gerner, Steven; Transfer In from Concordia University Wisconsin to Concordia University Chicago

Grimes, Harrison; Transfer In from Candidate Southeastern District to Immanuel, Downers Grove

Hendryx, Sheryl; Status Change Removed from the roster-Non response


As of April 12, 2023


Ader, Rev. Kevin; from St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Elgin, IL; (NID); (Senior); to NID Candidate Status; (03/21/2023)

Harder, SMP Rev. William; graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO; to The Living Christ Lutheran Church, Arlington Heights, IL; (SMP SOLE); Ordained (03/05/2023); Installed (03/05/2023)

Novacek, SMP Rev. Mark; from NID Candidate Status; transferred to Texas District; Candidate Status; (03/01/2023)

Scott, Rev. John; from Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Palatine, IL; (Associate); (NID); Installed at Crosspoint Lutheran Church, Lakewood, IL; (Senior Pastor); (03/12/2023)

Singer, Rev. Christopher; transferred from Trinity Lutheran Church, Spring Texas, TX; (Senior); Texas District; to Lutheran Church Charities, Northbrook, IL; (RSO-NID); (President/CEO); Installed (03/12/2023)

Stumpf, Rev. Eric; from St. John Lutheran Church, Country Club Hills, IL; (Intentional Interim); (NID); to NID Emeritus; (03/01/2023)

Stumpf, Rev. Eric; from NID Emeritus; transferred to Indiana District; Emeritus; (03/29/2023)


Bolosan, Sherry; Status Change to candidate status

Crist, Andrew; Transfer Out to Camp Omega, Waterville, MN

Ernst, Andrew; Status Change Removed from the roster – Resigned

Gnan, Peter; Status Change from Concordia University Chicago to candidate

Grimes, Harrison; Transfer In from candidate, Southeastern District to Immanuel, Downers Grove

Keating, Karina; Status Change Removed from the roster – Resigned

LeBeau, William; Status Change from Cross, Yorkville to candidate

Olson, Morris; Transfer Out from emeritus NID to emeritus, Kansas District

Raabe, Paula; Status Change from candidate to emeritus

Roberts, Sandra; Status Change from St. Matthew, Hawthorn Woods to emeritus


As of March 14, 2023


Demchuk, Sr., Rev. Robert; from Lutheran Church of Good Shepherd, Bourbonnais, IL; (NID); (Sole); to NID Emeritus; (02/18/2023)

Novacek, SMP Rev. Mark; from Trinity Lutheran Church, Roselle, IL; (NID); (SMP Assistant); to NID Candidate Status; (02/10/2023)


Budil, Donna; Reinstated to candidate status

Fluga, Benjamin; Commissioned 2/15/2023

Fluga, Benjamin; Installed Walther Christian Academy, Melrose Park

Gnewuch, Minnie; Status Change Called to Glory

Hewitt, Frank; Status Change from Bethlehem, West Dundee to emeritus

Moza, Paulette; Status Change from St. Matthew, Hawthorn Woods to emeritus

Rasmussen, Haley; Status Change from Trinity, Roselle to candidate

Rietschel, William; Status Change Removed from the roster – Resigned

Thilk, Amanda Status Change Removed from the roster – Resigned

White, Mary; Commissioned 2/12/2023

White, Mary; Installed Lutheran Church and School of St. Luke, Itasca


As of February 7, 2023


Kendall, Rev. Chad; from St. John Lutheran Church, Wheaton, IL; (NID); (Associate); to NID Candidate Status; (01/19/2023)

Schlote, Rev. Loy; from Our Savior Lutheran Church, Joliet, IL; (NID); (Sole) to NID Emeritus Status; (01/19/2023)


Ankerberg, Erik; Transfer Out from Concordia University Chicago, River Forest to Concordia University Wisconsin, Mequon WI

Butterfield, Michael; Transfer In from Emeritus-Missouri District to Emeritus-NID

Faurot, Hannah; Status Change from Zion, Marengo to candidate

Francisco, Adam; Status Change from Concordia University Chicago, River Forest to candidate

Heinemann, Jonathan; Transfer Out from candidate-NID to Beautiful Savior, LaVista, NE

Herring, Amy; Status Change from Trinity, Roselle to candidate

Kane, Debra; Transfer In from Emeritus-English District to Emeritus-NID

Olsen, Lauren; Status Change from St. John’s, Union to emeritus

Schilling, Scott; Status Change from candidate to emeritus

Sovitzky, Peter; Commissioned 1/15/2023

Sovitzky, Peter; Installed St. John, Wheaton

Wudtke, Jennifer; Status Change Removed from the roster – Resigned


As of January 11, 2023


Hintz, Rev. Gregory; from St. Peter Lutheran Church, Schaumburg, IL; (NID); (ASSOCIATE); transferred to New Hope Lutheran Church, Neenah, WI; South Wisconsin District; (ASSOCIATE); (12/05/2022)

Loza, Rev. Julio; from NID Emeritus; Called to Glory; (12/28/2022)

Pankau, SMP Rev. Jason; from Trinity Lutheran Church, Roselle, IL; (NID); (SMP Assistant); to NID Candidate Status; (12/06/2022)

Valencia, Rev. Andres; graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO; (Center for Hispanic Studies); to St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mount Prospect, IL; (NID); (ASSOCIATE); Ordained & Installed (12/04/2022)

Voigt, Rev. Eli; transferred from Trinity Lutheran Church, Bemidji, MN; Minnesota South District; (ASSOCIATE); to St. John Lutheran Church, Darien, IL; (NID); (SOLE); Installed (12/04/2022)


Baars, Mary; Status Change Removed from roster-non response

Danner, Christopher; Status Change Removed from roster-non response

Douglas, EJ; Status Change Removed from roster-non response

Egen, Jennifer; Status Change Removed from roster-non response

Egen, Jonathan; Status Change Removed from roster-non response

Eigenmann, Karen; Status Change Removed from roster-non response

Ernst, Katrina; Status Change Removed from roster-non response

Olson, Kayla; Installed From Cross, Yorkville to St Peter, Arlington Heights

Ortego, Susan; Status Change Removed from roster-non response

Wahrle, Dennis; Status Change Removed from roster-non response

Wolf, Michelle; Status Change Removed from roster-non response

As of December 6, 2022


Anderson, Rev. Steven; current Sole Pastor at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Chicago, IL; (NID); called and installed at Hope Lutheran Church, Countryside, IL; (NID); (SOLE); (11/27/2022) serving BOTH congregations

Chormann, Rev. William ; from Trinity Lutheran Church, Marseilles, IL; (NID); (SOLE) to NID Emeritus; (11/01/2022)

Johnson, Rev. John; President of Concordia University, Chicago, IL; (NID); to NID Emeritus; (08/16/2013); Reported on 11/17/2022

Marque, Rev. Edward A.; from Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Rockford, IL; (NID); (SOLE); and Concordia Lutheran Church, Machesney Park, IL; (NID); (SOLE); transferred to Christ Lutheran Church, Woodside, NY; Atlantic District; (PASTOR); (11/28/2022)

Rohlfs, Rev. Raymond; from Christ Lutheran Church, Orland Park, IL; (NID); (PASTOR); to NID Emeritus; (07/22/2022); Reported on 11/03/2022

Stumpf, Rev. Eric; from Emeritus; Indiana District; to St. John’s Lutheran Church, Country Club Hills, IL; (NID); (SOLE – INTENTIONAL INTERIM); Installed (09/11/2022); Report on 11/03/2022


Baerenklau, Elizabeth; Status Change Removed from roster-resigned voluntarily

Cooper, Carolyn; Transfer out from emeritus NID to emeritus Indiana District

Cooper, Dale; Transfer out from emeritus NID to emeritus Indiana District

Eichwedel, Alison; Installed from candidate NID to Trinity, Tinley Park

McFarland, Julie; Commissioned 11/07/2022

McFarland, Julie; Installed Immanuel, Batavia

Shapkauski, Martha; Status Change from Zion, Beecher to candidate

Smith, Jennifer; Status Change Removed from roster-resigned voluntarily

Tegeler, Sharon; Installed from candidate NID to Trinity, Tinley Park

School Closings:

St. Paul Lutheran School, Closed, Rockford

Zion Lutheran Preschool and Daycare, Closed, Oak Lawn

As of November 17, 2022


Zimmerman, Rev. James; NID Emeritus; Called to Glory; (10/08/2022)

As of November 3, 2022


Brown, Rev. Gregory; from Trinity Lutheran Church, Woodward, OK; Oklahoma District; (Sole); to Our Savior Lutheran Church, Momence, IL; NID; (Sole); (09/04/2022)

Frederich, Rev. Clifford; from NID Emeritus; transferred to Indiana District; Emeritus; (09/15/2022)

Harding, Rev. Stanley; NID Emeritus; Called to Glory; (09/01/2022)

Johnson, Rev. Charles; from Christ Lutheran Church, Orland Park, IL; NID; (Associate); to Christ Lutheran Church, Orland Park, IL; NID; (Senior); (09/18/2022)

Stumpf, Rev. Eric; from Emeritus; Indiana District; to St. John’s Lutheran Church, Country Club Hills; IL; NID; (Sole – Intentional Interim); (09/11/2022)

Ramirez, SMP Rev. Walter; from Cross Lutheran Church, Yorkville, IL; NID; (SMP Associate); to Tabor Lutheran Church, Chicago, IL; NID; (SMP Associate); (06/05/2022); Reported on 09/01/2022


Bailey, Linda; Status Change from Trinity, Lisle to candidate

Barber, Anna; Transfer out from emeritus to Florida-Georgia District

Girkant, Abigail; Transfer out from candidate, NID to St. Pauls, Munster, IN

Hardecopf, Brett; Installed from St. John, Elk River, MN to Cross, Yorkville

Hess, Mark; Status Change from St. Paul’s, Bourbonnais to emeritus

Knueppel, Henry; Called to Glory 09/08/2022

Schaeffer, Danielle; Status Change Removed from Roster-resigned voluntarily

Sever, Rachel; Status Change from St. John’s, Country Club Hills to candidate

Stephens, Marcella; Status Change from Our Saviour, Chicago to emeritus

Tegeler, Sharon; Status Change from Trinity, Roselle to candidate

Trinche, Lori; Installed from Northern Illinois District to Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries

Winterroth, Pamela; Installed from Trinity, Burr Ridge part time to Trinity, Burr Ridge full time

As of September 7, 2022


Barber, Rev. David; from NID Emeritus; transferred to Florida-Georgia District; Emeritus; (08/19/2022)

Curtis, SMP Pastor Michael; from Trinity Lutheran Church, Lisle, IL; NID; (SMP Associate); transferred to Redeemer Lutheran Church, Fort Collins, CO; (Director of Care Ministries); Rocky Mountain District; (08/01/2022)

Dorn, Rev. Peter; from St. John’s Lutheran Church, Country Club Hills, IL; NID; (Sole); transferred to Fountain of Life Lutheran Church, Tucson, AZ; Pacific Southwest District; (Sole – Intentional Interim); (08/24/2022)

Frederich, Rev. Clifford; from St. John’s Lutheran Church, Elgin, IL; NID; (Senior); to NID Emeritus; (08/16/2022)

Kellerman, Rev. James; from First Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Chicago, IL; NID; (Sole); transferred to Lutheran Church – Canada; Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary, St. Catharines, Ontario; (Associate Professor of Theology); (08/01/2022)

Latzke, Rev. Jeremy; from St. Paul Lutheran Church, Chenoa, IL; Central Illinois District; (Sole); to St. John’s Lutheran Church, Algonquin, IL; NID; (Senior); Installed (08/24/2022)

Meyer, Rev. Glenn; from Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Cary, IL; NID; (Sole-Intentional Interim); transferred to Peace Lutheran Church, Hutchinson, MN; Minnesota South District; (Sole – Intentional Interim); (05/02/2022); Reported on 08/19/2022

Roberts, Rev. Benjamin; from St. John’s Lutheran Church, La Grange, IL; NID; (Senior); transferred to St. Paul Lutheran Church, Trenton, MI; Michigan District; (Associate); (08/22/2022)

Winkelman, Rev. Mark; of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Freeport, IL; NID; (Sole); to NID Candidate Status; (08/29/2022)

New Church Start:

Crosspoint Lutheran Church of Lakewood, Lakewood, IL; NID; New Church Start (08/28/2022)


Barber, Anna; Status Change from Immanuel, Glenview to Emeritus

Becker, Kevin; Installed from teacher to principal – Immanuel, East Dundee

Benson, Stephen; Transfer out from Grace Christian Academy, Chicago to St. John, Napoleon, OH

Berg, Alan; Installed from Trinity, Tinley Park to Immanuel, East Dundee

Bray, Nancy; Installed from Our Savior’s, Springfield, IL to Immanuel, Crystal Lake

Brice, Madeline; Installed from Rockford Lutheran to Trinity, Roselle

Clasen, Alexandria; Commissioned 08/14/2022

Clasen, Alexandria; Installed Bethany, Naperville

Faga, Carla; Installed from Immanuel, Batavia to St. John’s, Elgin

Fanuke, Michael; Commissioned 08/10/2022

Fanuke, Michael; Installed Rockford Lutheran School

Gauger, Andrea; Called to Glory 08/25/2022

Gedvilas, Emily; Installed from First Immanuel, Cedarburg, WI to Immanuel, Elmhurst

Golz, Paul; Installed from Zion-Concord, Bensenville to St. John’s, Lombard

Gross, Jill; Status Change from Trinity, Roselle to Emeritus

Hahn, Rebekah; Installed from St. John’s, Mattoon, IL to Bethany, Naperville

Hamrick, Roy; Installed Rockford Lutheran School

Heinz, Julia; Status Change from St. Paul, Mount Prospect to Candidate

Heinemann, Jonathan; Status Change from St. Peter, Arlington Heights to Candidate

Hipenbecker, Timothy; Installed from candidate to Immanuel, Crystal Lake

Hoffman, Karisa; Commissioned 08/21/2022

Hoffman, Karisa; Installed St. John’s, Lombard

Holmlund, Lauren; Commissioned 08/10/2022

Holmlund, Lauren; Installed Rockford Lutheran School

Johnson, Leslie; Installed from Immanuel, Belvidere to Rockford Lutheran School

Klammer, Jane; Transfer out from Concordia International School, Shanghai to Lutheran High School of Orange County

Klammer, Joel; Transfer out from Concordia International School, Shanghai to Lutheran High School of Orange County

Koehler, Debra; Installed from St. John’s, Lombard to Immanuel, Elmhurst

Koenig, Dawn; Installed from Trinity, Roselle to St. Paul, Mount Prospect

Kuh, Elaine; Called to Glory 08/22/2022

Loveless, Aaron; Installed from St. Stephen, Horicon, WI to St. John’s, La Grange

Mielke, Abigail; Commissioned 08/20/2022

Mielke, Abigail; Installed Zion, Marengo

Ortman, Carolyn; Called to Glory 02/27/2022

Paulsen, Michael; Installed from Trinity, Davenport, IA to St. Peter, Schaumburg

Phillips, Karen; Installed from St. John’s, Elgin to Immanuel, Belvidere

Rogers, Randall; Installed from candidate to Immanuel, Belvidere

Runge, Alan; Installed from LHSA of St. Louis, MO to Rockford Lutheran School

Schalow, Kathleen; Installed from candidate to Rockford Lutheran School

Serbus, Phaedra; Installed from candidate to Living Christ Preschool, Madison, WI

Strieter, Hope; Commissioned 08/14/2022

Strieter, Hope; Installed Immanuel, Belvidere

Wold, Joshua; Status Change Removed from Roster-resigned voluntarily

Ziemer, Matthew; Commissioned 08/14/2022

Ziemer, Matthew; Installed St. Paul, Aurora

As of August 2, 2022


Bartens, Rev. Emmett; graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN; to Bethany Lutheran Church & School, Naperville, IL; NID; (Associate); Ordained (07/10/2022); Installed (07/10/2022)

Duffy, Rev. Michael; graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO; to St. Paul Lutheran Church, Melrose Park, IL; NID; (Sole); Ordained (07/10/2022); Installed (07/31/2022)

Hortsmeyer, Rev. Paul; transferred from Concordia Lutheran Church, San Antonio, TX; Texas District; to Trinity Lutheran Church, Lisle, IL; NID; (Associate); Installed (07/24/2022)

McCoid, Rev. James; transferred from Community Life Lutheran Church, Oregon, WI; South Wisconsin District; to Christ the Rock Lutheran Church, Rockford, IL; NID; (SOLE); Installed (07/23/2022)

Peterson, Rev. Kevin; graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO; to St. Paul Lutheran Church, Addison, IL; NID; (Sole); Ordained (07/10/2022); Installed (08/07/2022)

Rock, Rev. Ron; from Zion Lutheran Church, Beecher, IL; (Senior); to NID Emeritus; (07/01/2022)


Bernier, Julie; Transfer out from candidate to Pacific Southwest District

Bimler, Kimberly; Transfer out from St. John’s, Elgin to Trinity, Edwardsville, IL

Bowman, Nancy; Transfer out from candidate to St. John, New Orleans, LA

Brackman, Diane; Status Change from Zion, Beecher to candidate

Bray, Nancy; Call accepted from Our Savior’s, Springfield, IL to Immanuel, Crystal Lake

Domeier, Sue; Installed from Immanuel, East Dundee to Zion, Marengo

Hahn, Rebekah; Call accepted from St. John’s, Mattoon, IL to Bethany, Naperville

Kersten, Jayne; Transfer out from emeritus to South Wisconsin District

Kersten, Robert; Transfer out from emeritus to South Wisconsin District

Koehler, Henry; Called to Glory 07/10/2022

Kosberg, Kasaundra; Transfer out from Rockford Lutheran, Rockford to Faith, Las Vegas, NV

Meulendyke, John; Transfer out from Immanuel, Crystal Lake to Divine Redeemer, Hartland, WI

Poppe, Jonathan; Status Change from Rockford Lutheran, Rockford to candidate

Stradtmann, Amy; Transfer out from Concordia University Chicago to Concordia University Nebraska

As of July 12, 2022


Boomhower, Rev. Patrick; from NID Emeritus; transferred to Michigan District Emeritus; (06/08/2022)

Doering, Rev. Martin; from NID Emeritus; transferred to Texas District; Emeritus (06/14/2022)

Hayter, Rev. Benjamin; graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO; to Zion Lutheran Church, Chebanse, IL; (SOLE); Ordained (06/26/2022); to be Installed (07/24/2022)

Patterson, Rev. Zachary; from Faith Lutheran Church, The Dalles, OR; Northwest District; (SOLE); to Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Cary, IL; NID; (SOLE); Installed 06/26/2022

Stein, Rev. Donald; graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO; to St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Rockton, IL; (SOLE); Ordained (06/12/2022); to be Installed (07/31/2022)


Fagalde, Patricia; Status Change from St. Luke, Itasca to emeritus

Hendrikson, Kevin; Status Change Resigned from the roster

Hipenbecker, Timothy; Transfer in from candidate, Missouri District to Immanuel, Crystal Lake

Johnson, Heather; Transfer out from Good Shepherd, Elgin to Trinity, Edwardsville, IL

Krause, Katherine; Transfer out from Concordia, Machesney Park to St. John, Seward, NE

Landgrave, Aaron; Transfer out from candidate to St. Paul, Bonduel, WI

Lapp, Fé; Status Change from Immanuel, Crystal Lake to emeritus

Meyers, Leah; Transfer Out from Immanuel, East Dundee to Immanuel, Valparaiso, IN

Rogers, Randall; Transfer in from candidate, Texas District to Immanuel, Belvidere

Schulte, Natalie; Transfer out from St. Paul, Rochelle to St Paul’s, West Allis, WI

Schultz, Joshua; Transfer out from Bethany, Naperville to Concordia, North Mankato, MN

Schultz, Michelle; Transfer out from Walther, Melrose Park to Suburban Bethlehem, Fort Wayne, IN

Staehr, Brian; Transfer out from Concordia, Machesney Park to Emmanuel-Faith, York, NE

Staehr, Jerrita; Transfer out from Rockford Lutheran to Emmanuel-Faith, York, NE

Wudtke, Curtis; Transfer out from Rockford Lutheran to St. John’s, Mattoon, IL

As of June 22, 2022


Aubey, Rev. Dennis; from NID Emeritus; to Faith Lutheran Church, Geneva, IL; (SOLE); Installed 05/15/2022

Johnson, Rev. Dr. Thomas; from First St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Chicago, IL; (SOLE); to St. Luke Lutheran Church, Dix Hills, NY; Atlantic District; (SENIOR); (05/01/2022)

Kirschenmann, Rev. Dr. James; from NID Candidate; to Immanuel Lutheran Church, Glenview, IL; (SOLE Intentional Interim); Installed 02/27/2022; Reported (05/02/2022)

LaBoube, Rev. Christopher; from St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Mapleton, IA; (SOLE); to Immanuel Lutheran Church, Des Plaines, IL; NID District; (SOLE); Installed 05/14/2022

Lee, Rev. Stephen; from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Burbank, IL; (SOLE); to NID Emeritus (11/03/2019); Reported (05/25/2022)

Marth, Rev. Cory; Immanuel Lutheran Church, Hinckley, IL; (Sole); to NID Candidate; (03/26/2022); Reported (04/20/2022)

Marth, Rev. Cory; from NID Candidate; transferred to Indiana District; Candidate; (05/11/2022)

Meissner, Rev. Craig; Immanuel Lutheran Church, Steger, IL; (SOLE); to Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Kansas City, MO; Missouri District; (Sole)

Pittelko, Rev. Dr. Dean; from NID Emeritus; to Faith Lutheran Church, Oak Lawn, IL; (SOLE); Installed 05/01/2022

Pudell, SMP Rev. Robert; Immanuel Lutheran Church, Crystal Lake, IL; (SMP Associate); to NID Candidate; (07/03/2021); Reported (04/15/2022)

Schettler, Rev. Matthew; from Resurrection Lutheran Church, Chicago, IL; (SOLE); to St. Paul Lutheran Church, Fredonia, NY; Eastern District; (SOLE); (05/30/2022)

Spahn, Rev. Thomas; NID Emeritus; Resigned Voluntarily from the Roster of Ordained Ministers LCMS; (05/30/2022)

Theiss, Rev. Terry; St. John Lutheran Church, Pecatonica, IL; (SOLE); to NID Emeritus; (02/01/2022); Reported (04/11/2022)

Theiss, Rev. Terry; from NID Emeritus; transfer to Missouri District; Emeritus; (04/11/2022)

As of May 31, 2022


Barton, David; Commissioned 5/15/2022

Barton, David; Installed Our Redeemer, Freeport

Boettcher, Ardella; Called to Glory 05/18/2022

Cramer, Angela; Status Change Removed from roster – non response

Ennis, Erin; Status Change Removed from roster – non response

Estes, Heather; Installed Immanuel, Elmhurst – principal

Gallup, Kathleen; Called to Glory 05/10/2022

Gunia, Kathleen; Status Change Removed from roster – non response

Harrison, John; Status Change Removed from roster – non response

Heiss, Christina; Installed Holy Cross, Cary

Holfels, Michelle; Status Change Removed from roster – non response

Iteen, Barbara; Status Change from Immanuel, Belvidere to emeritus

Jessen, Carol; Transfer from NID emeritus to Rocky Mountain District emeritus

Kaiser, Katherine; Status Change Removed from roster – non response

Kennell, Rachel; Status Change Removed from roster – non response

Kirui, Elaine; Status Change Removed from roster – non response

Kluetz, Ruth; Status Change Removed from roster – non response

Laabs, Charles; Called to Glory 05/02/2022

Miller, Jason; Status Change Removed from roster – non response

Olson, Susan; Status Change From candidate to emeritus

Parling, Jessica; Status Change Removed from roster – non response

Schieber, Alisha; Status Change Removed from roster – non response

Stewart, Brent; Status Change Removed from roster – non response

Stewart, Shanna; Status Change Removed from roster – non response

Timm, Suzanne; Status Change From St Paul, Aurora to emeritus

Toensing, Shelley; Status Change Removed from roster – non response

Torreson, Megan; Status Change Removed from roster – non response

Vasilie, Michael; Status Change Removed from roster – non response

Wappelhorst-Leitgeb, Alexandra; Status Change Removed from roster – non response

Wickboldt, Joel; Status Change Removed from roster – non response

Wintersheimer, Cristina; Status Change Removed from roster – non response

Zimmerman, Gary A.; Status Change Removed from roster – non response

School Closed:

Sonshine Christian Preschool, Dundee

As of May 18, 2022


Carlsen, Christina; transfer out to Rocky Mountain District – emeritus

Current, Benjamin; commissioned 4/24/2022

Current, Benjamin; installed Rockford Lutheran School

Evangelista, Judy; transfer out to Indiana District – emeritus

Freudenberg, Karen; status change from Rockford Lutheran School to emeritus

Gaffney, Sarah; installed from candidate to Voice of Care

Hamrick, Roy; transfer in from candidate-Southern Illinois District to Rockford Lutheran School

Ibeling, Bethany; status change resigned from roster

Meissner, Rebekah; transfer out to Missouri District – candidate

Numrich, Stephanie; status change resigned from roster

Rogner, Calisse; transfer out to Pacific Southwest – emeritus

Schmidt, Mara; status change from Concordia University Chicago to emeritus

Vedder, David; status change from candidate to emeritus

Weslock, Naomi; transfer out to Florida-Georgia District – emeritus

Weslock, Terry transfer out to Florida-Georgia District – emeritus

School Closed:

St John’s Little Blessings Preschool, Union

As of April 19, 2022


Catalan, Rev. Carlos; from NID Candidate Status; to Faith Lutheran Church in Carpentersville, IL; (Assistant Pastor Hispanic Missions); (Installed 03/07/2021)

Eggebraaten, Rev. Jared A.; from Zion Lutheran Church, Naperville, IL; (Sole); to Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church, Fair Oaks, CA; California-Nevada-Hawaii District; (Senior); (03/01/2021)

Hanel, Rev. Michael H.; from St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Bourbonnais, IL; (Associate); to Bethany Lutheran Church, Leesburg, FL; Florida-Georgia District; (Sole); (03/10/2021)

Peters, Rev. Mark D.; from CID Emeritus; to NID Emeritus; (03/25/2021)


Bowman, Nancy; status change from active to candidate

Dean, Natalie; transfer in from candidate-Northwest District to candidate-NID

Mather, Jay; status change voluntarily resigned from the roster

Novak, Jill status change voluntarily resigned from the roster

Reimers, Nancy; status change from Immanuel, East Dundee to emeritus

Reineke, Anna; installed from Hope on the Beach, Santa Rosa Beach, FL to Walcamp Outdoor Ministry

Rozelle, Angela; transfer in from candidate-Eastern District to candidate-NID

Serbus, Phaedra; status change from St. John, Darien to candidate

Zimmerman, Gary E; status change from Rockford Lutheran School to candidate

As of March 17, 2022


Constien, Rev. Arthur J.; from NID Emeritus; Called to Glory (07/02/2018); Reported (01/06/2021)

Dail, Rev. Jason A.; from NID Restricted Status; to NID Removal from the Roster; (02/02/2021)

Donovan, Jr., Rev. Robert B.; from St. James Lutheran Church, Chicago, IL; to St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, Montgomery, IL; (Sole Intentional Interim Pastor); (Installed 10/06/2019); Reported (01/29/2021)

Fischaber, Rev. Phillip J.; graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN; to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Walnut, IL; (Sole); (Ordained & Installed 01/03/2021)

Guelzow, Rev. Nathan J.; from Immanuel Lutheran Church, Downers Grove, IL; (Associate); to Pastoral Leadership Institute (PLI) Missionary at Large; Texas District; (02/01/2021)

Korcok, Rev. Thomas; from Concordia University Chicago, River Forest, IL; (Associate Professor of Theology); to Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary, St. Catharines, ON; Lutheran Church-Canada; (Professor); (01/11/2021)

Krause, Rev. Kenneth E.; from Mount Olive Lutheran Church in Rockford, IL & Concordia Lutheran Church in Machesney Park, IL; Called to Glory (01/24/2021)

Mueller, Jr., Rev. Dr. Charles S.; from Trinity Lutheran Church, Roselle, IL; (Associate); (Installed 01/03/2021)

Petzold, Rev. Jonathan D.; from Immanuel Lutheran Church, Wisconsin Rapids, WI, North Wisconsin District; to Trinity Lutheran Church, Roselle, IL; (Senior); (Installed 01/10/2021)

Speerbrecker, Rev. David W.; from NID Active to NID Emeritus Status (01/01/2021)

Swanson, Rev. Douglas R.; from King of Glory Lutheran Church in Elgin, IL; (Sole) to King of Kings Lutheran Church in Mason, OH; Ohio District; (Sole); (02/01/2021)

Warren, SMP Rev. Steven D.; from Zion Lutheran Church, 109th, Chicago, IL; (SMP Sole); to Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. Paul (Austin), Chicago, IL; (SMP Sole); (Installed 02/14/2021)


Fehr, Amber; transfer from candidate to candidate, Central Illinois District

Gregory, Dahlas; Called to Glory 10/27/2021

Kuhlman, David; Called to Glory 01/02/2022

Lane, Jenna; status change from St John’s, Lombard to candidate

Liese, Lloyd; Called to Glory 02/19/2022

Malcman, Kimberly; status change from St Philip (north), Chicago to candidate

School Closed:

Peaceful Hearts, Plainfield

As of January 6, 2022


Acton, Rev. Thomas; from NID Emeritus; transferred to Pacific Southwest District; (12/20/2021)

Baerwald, Rev. Reuben; from NID Emeritus; Called to Glory (12/31/2021)

Drinnon, Rev. Roger; from Olive Branch Lutheran Church, Okawville, IL; (Sole); Southern Illinois District; to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Bourbonnais, IL; (Associate); NID; installed; (12/05/2021)

Kinne, Rev. Timothy; from NID Emeritus; transferred to North Wisconsin District; (12/07/2021)

Spangler, Rev. John; from Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church, Roscoe, IL; Sole Pastor; Called to Glory (12/04/2020); Reported (12/15/2021)

Sward, Rev. Steven; from NID Emeritus; transferred to South Wisconsin District; (12/22/2021)

Zeile, Rev. Erhard; from NID Emeritus; Called to Glory (09/19/2017); Reported (12/15/2021)


Elder, Gloria; called to glory 2/29/2016

Geye, Cynthia; status change from Immanuel, East Dundee to emeritus 07/01/2013

Oetting, Tara; commissioned 12/08/2021

Oetting, Tara; installed Immanuel, Belvidere 12/08/2021

Peara, Karen; status change from Family in Faith, Glendale Heights to candidate 10/28/2021

Yakey, Rebecca; status change from Immanuel, Belvidere to voluntarily resigned 12/01/2021

As of December 16, 2021

Church Dissolved:

Living Heritage Lutheran Church, Plano, IL; dissolved; 11/21/2021


Kinne, Rev. Timothy; from St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Hawthorn Woods, IL; Senior Pastor; to NID Emeritus (11/19/2021); Reported (11/19/2021)

Rabe, Rev. W. Gail; from NID Emeritus; Called to Glory; (11/21/2021)

Sward, Rev. Steven; from St. Paul Lutheran Church, Harvard, IL; (Sole); to NID Emeritus; (11/29/2021)

Wille, Rev. Eugene; from NID Emeritus; Called to Glory; (11/25/2021)

Zimmerman, Rev. James; from St. Paul Lutheran Church, Addison, IL; (Sole); to NID Emeritus; (11/01/2021)


Berg, Deborah; installed from Peace, Plainfield to Zion, Hinsdale

Gieschen, Roselyn; called to glory 04/13/2017

Johnson, Margaret; called to glory 04/09/2021

Kowalski, Rebecca; commissioned 11/15/2021

Kowalski, Rebecca; installed Zion, Hinsdale

Kraft, June; called to glory 05/02/2021

Levenhagen, William; called to glory 07/05/2016

Martin, Walter; called to glory 10/13/2020

Mueller, Paul; installed from candidate to St. Paul, Rochelle

Nunez, Stephanie; installed from candidate to St. Peter, Arlington Heights

Schulz, Robert; called to glory 03/06/2020

Smith, Sherrie; installed from candidate to Concordia University Chicago

Volk, Susan; installed from Zion, Bensenville to Zion, Hinsdale

Wiederkehr, Daniel; transfer from candidate to Missouri District

Wuensche, Elmer; called to glory 03/30/2021

As of November 11, 2021


Kusch, Rev. Matthew; from Blessed Savior Lutheran Church, O’Fallon, IL; Southern Illinois District; (Associate Pastor); to St. Paul Lutheran Church, Aurora, IL; (Senior Pastor); (Installed 10/03/2021)

Nordman, Rev. Mark; from Salem Lutheran Church, Blue Island, IL; Sole; Called to Glory (10/30/2021)


Allor, Emily; installed from Zion-Concord, Bensenville to St. Peter, Arlington Heights

Bunte, Maria; transfer from Indiana District as emeritus

Cillick, Diane; commissioned 10/31/2021

Cillick, Diane; installed Trinity, Roselle

Giuliani, Michael; status change from St. James, Chicago to candidate

Guglielmi, Valerie; installed St. John, Wheaton

Jagiello, Kaitlin; installed from Zion-Concord, Bensenville to St. Peter, Arlington Heights

Kraatz, Ronald; called to glory 10/4/2021

McAdams, Ryan; status change from candidate to voluntarily resigned from the roster

Wayman, Rachael; commissioned 10/31/2021

Wayman, Rachael; installed Trinity, Roselle

Wiederkehr, Daniel; status change from Rockford Lutheran School, Rockford to candidate

As of October 5, 2021


Asher, Rev. Joseph; of Kaiserslautern Ev. Lutheran Church, Germany; (Pastor – Office of International Missions – LCMS); to NID Emeritus; (09/23/2021)
a. Rev. Joseph Asher; NID Emeritus; transfer to Minnesota South District; Emeritus; (09/23/2021)

Birkholz, Rev. Mark; from Faith Lutheran Church, Oak Lawn, IL; (Sole Pastor); to Zion Lutheran Church, Naperville, IL; (Sole Pastor); (Installed 09/19/2021)

Brockhoff, Rev. Mark; St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Schaumburg, IL; (Sole Pastor); to NID Emeritus; (09/01/2021)

Fitzpatrick, Rev. Dennis; NID Emeritus; Called to Glory; (09/13/2021)

Hanson, Rev. Lynn; NID Emeritus; transfer to Indiana District; Emeritus; (09/20/2021)

Hanson, Rev. Bruce; transfer from Mid-South District; Emeritus; to NID Emeritus; (09/15/2021)

Keating, Rev. David; from St. John Lutheran Church, Curtis, NE; Nebraska District; (Sole); to St. James Lutheran Church, Chicago, IL; (Associate); (Installed 09/19/2021)

Krause, Rev. Paul; transfer from English District; Emeritus; to NID Emeritus; (09/07/2021)

Lambrecht, Rev. Jeffrey; from Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, Antioch, IL; (Sole Pastor); to NID Candidate; (09/01/2021)

LeMahieu, Rev. Nathan; placed through Colloquy Committee, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO; to St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Wheaton, IL; (Assistant Pastor); (Ordained 09/12/2021; Installed 09/12/2021)

Renfro, Rev. David; transfer from Iowa East District; Emeritus; to NID Emeritus; (09/01/2021)


Conrad, John; status change from Immanuel, East Dundee to emeritus

Johnson, Heather; commissioned 9/12/2021

Johnson, Heather; installed Good Shepherd, Elgin

Lavado, Kimberly; transfer to Southeastern District as candidate

Peters, Jana; transfer to Indiana District as candidate

Stocker, Cindy; status change from candidate to emeritus

Teske, Ingeborg; called to glory 9/14/2021

Totsky, Adele; installed Cross, Yorkville

As of September 8, 2021


Berauer, Rev. Peter; from Living Christ Lutheran Church, Arlington Heights, IL; (Sole Pastor); to St. Paul Lutheran Church, Mount Prospect, IL; (Associate Pastor); (Installed 08/22/2021)

Hanson, Rev. Lynn; from Hines VA Hospital, Hines, IL; (Chief Chaplain); to NID Emeritus; (08/29/2021)

Kolupa, SMP Rev. Christopher; graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO; to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Burbank, IL; (SMP Sole Pastor); (Ordained 08/22/2021; Installed 08/22/2021)

McGinley, Rev. David; from Trinity Lutheran Church, Lisle, IL; (Associate Pastor); to The Lutheran Church of Webster Gardens, Webster Groves, MO; Missouri District; (Senior Pastor Elect); (08/02/2021)

Mullen, Rev. Nicholas; from Our Savior Lutheran Church, Carol Stream, IL; (Senior Pastor); Resigned Voluntarily from the Roster of Ordained Ministers of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (08/07/2021)

Schlecht, Rev. Dennis; from Faith Lutheran Church, Westchester, IL; (Associate Pastor); to NID Emeritus; (01/22/2018) (Reported 08/24/2021)

Uttenreither, Rev. Matthew; from St. John Lutheran Church, Tigerton, WI; South Wisconsin District; (Sole Pastor); to Ascension Lutheran Church, Niles, IL; (Sole Pastor); (Installed 08/29/2021)

Wolff, Rev. Michael; transfer from Nebraska District; Emeritus; to NID Emeritus; (08/18/2021)


Boardman, Ralph; called to glory 10/30/2015

Brutlag, Sarah; call accepted from Concordia, Machesney Park to Redeemer, Austin TX

Doering, Sandra; transfer to Texas District as emeritus

Engel, Trisha; installed Immanuel, Belvidere

Ernst, Rebecca; call accepted from Rockford Lutheran, Rockford to Martin Luther High School, Greendale WI

Kalal, Thomas; installed from St. John’s, Lombard-teacher to St. John’s, Lombard-principal

Keller, Stephanie; installed from St. Peter, Arlington Heights to St. Paul, Mount Prospect

Lamberty, Stephanie; commissioned 8/14/2021

Lamberty, Stephanie; installed St. Peter, Schaumburg

Lazarus, Phyllene; status change from St. Matthew, Hawthorn Woods to emeritus 03/15/2017

Machemer, Andrea; transfer to Indiana District as candidate

Miranda, Tracy; installed from Peaceful Hearts (Peace), Plainfield to Immanuel, Mokena

Montgomery, Andrew; installed from St. Peter’s, Columbus IN to Trinity, Tinley Park-principal

Muldowney, Marybeth; transfer to California-Nevada-Hawaii District as candidate

Oliver, Timothy; installed from candidate, South Wisconsin District to St. Paul, Aurora

Pieper, Shelly; installed from candidate, Northern Illinois District to Immanuel, East Dundee 08/09/2020

Pygman, Patricia; installed from candidate, Northern Illinois District to Immanuel, Hillside

Rogers, Eric; installed from St. Paul, Aurora-teacher to St. Paul, Aurora-principal

Sheehan, Sandra; installed from Immanuel, Elmhurst to St. John’s, Lombard

Smith, Sherrie; status change from Zion, Hinsdale to candidate

Swett, Jonathan; installed from Our Savior, Hartland MI to Bethany, Naperville

Thies, Anne; commissioned 8/29/2021

Thies, Anne; installed Concordia University Chicago, River Forest

Wilson, Amanda; commissioned 8/29/2021

Wilson, Amanda; installed Zion, Bensenville

Wo, Michelle; installed from Immanuel, Elmhurst to St. John’s, Chicago

As of August 10, 2021


Barber, Rev. David; from Immanuel Lutheran Church, Glenview, IL; (Pastor); to NID Emeritus (09/02/2020) Reported (07/30/2021)

Bauer, Rev. Steven; transfer from Rocky Mountain District; Emeritus; to NID Emeritus; (05/03/2021)

Erb, SMP Rev. Nathan; from Immanuel Lutheran Church, Crystal Lake, IL; (SMP Discipleship Pastor); to Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Trumbell, CT; New England District; (SMP Sole Pastor); (07/20/2021)

Frazell, Rev. Jay; from NID Emeritus; Called to Glory (04/25/2019) Reported (07/20/2021)

Garchow, Rev. Paul; from NID Emeritus; Called to Glory (08/16/2018) Reported (07/20/2021)

Gnewuch, Rev. Carl; transfer from SED District; Candidate Status; to Immanuel Lutheran Church, Belvidere IL; (Assistant Pastor; Bivocational Call); (Installed 07/04/2021)

Grissom, SMP Rev. Daniel; from Trinity Lutheran Church, Lisle, IL; (SMP Assistant Pastor); to NID Emeritus; (04/01/2019) Reported (07/20/2021)

Holt, Rev. James “Jamie”; from Valley Lutheran High School, Phoenix, AZ; Pacific Southwest District; (Campus Pastor); to St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, St. Charles, IL; NID; (Senior Pastor); (Installed 07/10/2021)

Lee, Rev. Brian; from St. John’s Lutheran Church, Algonquin, IL; (Sole); to Trinity Lutheran Church, Kalispell, MT; Montana District; (Lead Pastor);  (07/20/2021)

Stoltzman, Rev. Jacob; graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN; to Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Aurora, IL; (Sole); (Ordained 07/17/2021; Installed 07/31/2021)

Whybrew, Rev. Kene; from Zion Lutheran Church, Chebanse, IL; (Sole); to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Strasburg, IL & Grace Lutheran Church, Strasburg, IL; Central Illinois District; (Sole); (07/19/2021)

School Closed:

St. Luke’s Christian Academy, Montgomery 8/3/2021


Bremer, David; call accepted from Bethany, Naperville to Trinity, Grand Island NE

Cook, June; status change from Trinity, Tinley Park to emeritus

Estrada, Nancy; commissioned 7/10/2021

Estrada, Nancy; installed St. Paul, Aurora

Fick, Elaine; called to glory 11/16/2019

Giuliani, Michael; commissioned 7/18/2021

Giuliani, Michael; installed St. James, Chicago

Hess, JoAnn; status change from Zion, Beecher to emeritus

Johnson, Robert; call accepted from Bethany, Naperville to St. Paul, Bonduel WI

Katz, Diane; status change from St. Paul, Aurora to emeritus

Katz, Diane; transfer to Florida-Georgia District as emeritus

Krupski, James; call accepted from St. Paul, Bourbonnais to St. John, Portage WI

Meissner, Rebekah; status change from Zion, Beecher to candidate

Moeller, Amy; status change from St. John’s, Elgin to emeritus

Moeller, Steven; status change from St. John’s, Elgin to emeritus

Morgenthaler, Shirley; status change from Concordia University Chicago to emeritus 08/13/2020

Oliver, Timothy; call accepted from candidate to St. Paul, Aurora

Oliver, Timothy; transfer from South Wisconsin District

Schaefer, Judy; status change from Immanuel, Belvidere to emeritus

Scott, Amy; status change removed from the roster

Sturm, Joan; status change from Bright Beginnings Academy, Glendale Heights to emeritus 06/30/2004

Tuomi, Matthew; status change from Zion-Concord, Bensenville to candidate

Villegas, Maria Isabel; commissioned 7/10/2021

Villegas, Maria Isabel; installed St. Paul, Aurora

Wellen, Lauren; status change from Concordia University Chicago to emeritus

Wyeth, Susan; status change from St. Paul, Aurora to candidate

Zorena, Kevin; call accepted from Bethany, Naperville to Calvary Lutheran High School, Jefferson City MO

As of July 1, 2021


Bolosan, Rev. Chad; graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO; to Messiah Lutheran Church, Sterling, IL; (Sole); (Ordained 06/13/2021; Installed 06/13/2021)

Dubensky, Rev. Matthew; graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO; to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Chicago Heights, IL; (Sole); (Ordained 06/13/2021; Installed 06/27/2021)

Gonzalez-Feliciano, Rev. Miguel; graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO; to King of Glory Lutheran Church, Elgin, IL; (Sole); (Ordained 06/13/2021; Installed 06/13/2021)

Leichman, Rev. Jeffery; from Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Des Plaines, IL; (Sole); to NID Candidate; (05/11/2021)

Mayo, Sr., SMP Rev. Brian; from Salem Lutheran Church in Homewood, IL; (SMP); to Salem Lutheran Church in Homewood, IL; (SMP Sole); (Installed 06/13/2021)

Novacek, SMP Rev. Mark; graduate of SMP Program at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO; to Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Roselle, IL; (SMP Assistant Pastor); (Ordained 06/27/2021; Installed 06/27/2021)

Serbus, Rev. Rodney; from St. John Lutheran Church, Darien, IL; (Senior); to Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Sun Prairie, WI; South Wisconsin District; (Associate); (06/30/2021)


DeCant, Crystine; status change from candidate to emeritus

Doering, Sandra; status change from Concordia University Chicago to emeritus

Ettner, Susan; status change from Zion, Marengo to emeritus

Guebert, Diana; status change from Bethany, Naperville to emeritus

Hardy, Lucretia; status change from Immanuel, Hillside to emeritus

Hayes, H. Robert; status change from Concordia University Chicago to emeritus

Hetzner, Jacquelyn; status change from Immanuel, Palatine to emeritus (12/20/2020)

Hislop, Hannah; status change resigned from the roster

Janda, Joseph; status change resigned from the roster

Johnson, Leslee; status change from St John’s, Chicago to emeritus

Lucht, Wayne; Called to Glory emeritus 04/06/2020

Obrzut-Hofmann, Heide; status change resigned from the roster

Pudell, Lisa; status change from Immanuel, Belvidere to emeritus

Starr, Dawn; status change from St John’s, LaGrange to emeritus

Wente, Steven; status change from Concordia University Chicago to emeritus

As of June 24, 2021


SMP Rev. David Roskowic; congregation last served, Mount Olive Lutheran Church in Rockford, IL; from NID Active to NID Candidate Status; effective (04/05/2021); reported (05/04/2021)

SMP Rev. Jason Weber; from Fellowship of Faith Lutheran Church, McHenry, IL; to Church of All Nations, Lutheran, 8 South Bay Close, Repulse Bay, Hong Kong; Northwest District; (SMP Pastor); (05/10/2021)

Congregation Closed:

Trinity Lutheran Church (Meade), 2601 N Meade Ave, Chicago, IL 60639; Removal of Congregation; Dissolved (09/16/2019); reported (05/14/2021)

As of June 1, 2021


Andermann, Rosemary; status change from active to emeritus

Asher, Jennie; transfer to Minnesota South District

Becker, Amy; status change removed from roster by action of the district president

Becker, Brian; status change removed from roster by action of the district president

Federwitz, Allison; call accepted from St. Paul, Chicago (Menard) to Lutheran Bible Translators – 01/07/2007

Green, Robert; status change removed from roster by action of the district president

Hawley, Michelle; status change from Concordia University Chicago to candidate – 09/01/2016

Jagiello (Grott), Kaitlin; call accepted from Our Redeemer, Delavan, WI to Zion Concord, Bensenville 01/27/2019

Koehn, Elizabeth; status change removed from roster-resigned voluntarily

Mueller, Paul; transfer in candidate from Southern Illinois District – 04/01/2021

O’Leary, Michael; status change removed from roster by action of the district president

Rakow, Christine; status change from active to emeritus – 06/01/2008

Rechsteiner, Christine; status change removed from roster-resigned voluntarily

Shaver, Kelly; transfer to Nebraska District

Viray, Emmanuel; transfer to Texas District – 04/01/2021

As of May 19, 2021


Cosby, Amanda; status change from active to candidate

Fiesman, Carole; installed Family in Faith, Glendale Heights 08/14/2016

Fiesman, Carole; status change from active to candidate 07/01/2017

Kirsch, Roger; status change from active to emeritus 07/30/2015

Smith, Lisa; transfer to Indiana District

Uffenbeck, Tana; status change from active to candidate

Weston, Laura; commissioned St. John’s Lombard 02/12/2017

Weston, Laura; installed St. John’s Lombard 02/12/2017

Yocius, Sarah; installed Trinity, Lisle 07/10/2016

Yocius, Sarah; status change from active to candidate 01/22/2018

As of April 6, 2021

Church Closing:

Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church, 10300 S Ave H, Chicago, IL 60617; Removal of Congregation; Dissolved (09/27/2015); Reported (04/27/2021)


Hoffmann, Rev. Matthew; from St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church in Park Ridge, IL; from (Sole) to (Senior); effective date 07/19/2020; Reported (04/27/2021)

Roberts, Rev. Benjamin; from St. John’s Lutheran Church in La Grange, IL; from (Sole) to (Senior); effective date 03/17/2018; Reported (04/27/2021)

Totsky, Rev. David W.; from Sherman Park Lutheran Church, Milwaukee, WI, South Wisconsin District; to St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Joliet, IL; (Sole); (Installed 04/11/2021)


Asher, Jennie; transfer to Minnesota South District

Bauer, Karen; status change from candidate to emeritus

Guynes, Allyssa; transfer from Lutheran Church of St. Luke to Trinity, Woodway TX

Hermann, Alfred; transfer to Indiana District

Hoffman, LaDonna; status change from active to candidate

Ladwig, Barbara; status change from active to emeritus

Mattes, Craig; status change from active to candidate

Miller, James; transfer to Minnesota South District

Pawelk, Frederick; status change from active to emeritus

Pawelk, Frederick; transfer to Minnesota South District

Scheurman, Linda; transfer to English District

Viray, Emmanuel; status change from active to candidate

Webster, Lora; installed St. James, Chicago

Zillman, Lynne; status change from candidate to emeritus

Zillman, O John; status change from active to emeritus

School Opening – St. Andrew Lutheran Preschool, Rockton IL

As of March 3, 2021


Catalan, Rev. Carlos; from NID Candidate Status; to Faith Lutheran Church in Carpentersville, IL; (Assistant Pastor Hispanic Missions); (Installed 03/07/2021)

Eggebraaten, Rev. Jared A.; from Zion Lutheran Church, Naperville, IL; (Sole); to Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church, Fair Oaks, CA; California-Nevada-Hawaii District; (Senior); (03/01/2021)

Hanel, Rev. Michael H.; from St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Bourbonnais, IL; (Associate); to Bethany Lutheran Church, Leesburg, FL; Florida-Georgia District; (Sole); (03/10/2021)

Peters, Rev. Mark D.; from CID Emeritus; to NID Emeritus; (03/25/2021)


Bytnar, Sarah; status change removed from roster – resigned voluntarily

Fowler, Katrina; status change removed from roster by action of the District President

Hepburn, Amy; status change removed from roster – resigned voluntarily

Hilger, Ron; status change from active to candidate

Johns, Katrina; status change from active to candidate

Laraia, Lori; status change removed from roster – resigned voluntarily

Miller, James; status change from active to emeritus

Moravec, Kathleen; status change from candidate to emeritus

Packard, Heather; status change from active to candidate

Pate, Ardelle; status change from active to emeritus

Rose, Patricia; status change from active to emeritus

Scheurman, Linda; status change from active to emeritus

Schulz, Marlo; status change from active to candidate

Sebby, Renae; status change removed from roster – resigned voluntarily

Shaver, Kelly; status change from active to candidate

Smith, Lisa; status change reinstated to the roster

Waldron, Mark; status change removed from roster – resigned voluntarily

School Closing:

ABBA Christian Childcare, Glendale Heights

As of February 1, 2021


Dail, Rev. Jason A.; from NID Restricted Status; to NID Removal from the Roster; (02/02/2021)

Guelzow, Rev. Nathan J.; from Immanuel Lutheran Church, Downers Grove, IL; (Associate); to Pastoral Leadership Institute (PLI) Missionary at Large; Texas District; (02/01/2021)

Swanson, Rev. Douglas R.; from King of Glory Lutheran Church in Elgin, IL; (Sole) to King of Kings Lutheran Church in Mason, OH; Ohio District; (Sole); (02/01/2021)

SMP Warren, Rev. Steven D.; from Zion Lutheran Church, 109th, Chicago, IL; (SMP Sole); to Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. Paul (Austin), Chicago, IL; (SMP Sole); (Installed 02/14/2021)


Heiss, Christina; installed Immanuel, Crystal Lake

Hilger, Lori; status change removed from roster – resigned voluntarily

Kammrath, William; status change from Concordia University Chicago to emeritus 06/30/2011

Lachmann, Susan; status change from St. Paul, Mount Prospect to emeritus 08/31/2017

Mannes, Teri Lyn: commissioned 1/24/2021

Mannes, Teri Lyn; installed St. John’s, LaGrange

Muldowney, Marybeth; status change St. Paul, Rockford to candidate 07/01/2017

Novak, Charles; status change Called to Glory 01/13/2021

Pfeil, Rebekah; status change removed from roster – resigned voluntarily

Schalk, Carl; status change Called to Glory 01/24/2021

Schewe, Sharyn; status change from Concordia, Machesney Park to emeritus 01/01/2008

Stiek, Katarina; installed from Immanuel, Palatine to St. Paul, Mount Prospect 12/09/2020

Wykert, Victoria; installed from candidate to St. John’s, LaGrange

As of January 29, 2021


Constien, Rev. Arthur J.; from NID Emeritus; Called to Glory (07/02/2018); Reported (01/06/2021)

Donovan, Jr., Rev. Robert B.; from St. James Lutheran Church, Chicago, IL; to St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, Montgomery, IL; (Sole Intentional Interim Pastor); (Installed 10/06/2019); Reported (01/29/2021)

Fischaber, Rev. Phillip J.; graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN; to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Walnut, IL; (Sole); (Ordained & Installed 01/03/2021)

Korcok, Rev. Thomas; from Concordia University Chicago, River Forest, IL; (Associate Professor of Theology); to Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary, St. Catharines, ON; Lutheran Church-Canada; (Professor); (01/11/2021)

Krause, Rev. Kenneth E.; from Mount Olive Lutheran Church in Rockford, IL & Concordia Lutheran Church in Machesney Park, IL; Called to Glory (01/24/2021)

Mueller, Jr., Rev. Dr. Charles S.; from Trinity Lutheran Church, Roselle, IL; (Associate); (Installed 01/03/2021)

Petzold, Rev. Jonathan D.; from Immanuel Lutheran Church, Wisconsin Rapids, WI, North Wisconsin District; to Trinity Lutheran Church, Roselle, IL; (Senior); (Installed 01/10/2021)

Speerbrecker, Rev. David W.; from NID Active to NID Emeritus Status (01/01/2021)

As of December 31, 2020


Bruening, Rev. W. Philip; from NID Emeritus; to Southeastern District; Emeritus; (12/30/2020)

Kearney, Rev. Channing L.; from NID Candidate Status; to Indiana District; Candidate; (12/01/2020)

Loest, Rev. Aden E.; from NID Emeritus; Called to Glory (12/28/2020)

Meyer, Rev. Glenn D.; from NID Candidate Status; to Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Cary, IL; (Sole Intentional Interim Pastor); (Installed 12/06/2020)

Roberts, Rev. Todd ; from Hope Lutheran Church in Countryside, IL; (Sole); to St. Paul Lutheran Church (Canfield) in Chicago, IL; (Sole); (Installed 12/12/2020)


Brice, Alexander; commissioned 12/13/2020

Brice, Alexander; installed St. Mark’s, St. Charles

Brice, Madeline; installed Rockford Lutheran School, Rockford

Franzen, Margaret; status change from Trinity, Lisle to emeritus

Retzlaff, Marissa; status change from Lutheran Church Charities to candidate

As of November 30, 2020


Bruening, Rev. W. Philip; from St. Peter Lutheran Church in Arlington Heights, IL; (Assistant Pastor); to NID Emeritus; (11/06/2020)

Graham, Rev. Bo; from St. Paul Lutheran Church in Mount Prospect, IL; (Associate); to St. Paul Lutheran Church in Mount Prospect, IL; (Senior); (Installed 11/29/2020)

Kearney, Rev. Channing L.; from Hines VA Medical Center in Hines, IL; (Chaplain VA Medical, SP); to NID Candidate Status; (09/19/2019); Reported (11/20/2020)

Teller, Rev. Daniel J.; from St. Paul Lutheran Church (Canfield) in Chicago, IL; (Sole); Called to Glory (11/28/2020)


Blackfeather, Stephanie; status change from St. Paul, Mount Prospect to candidate

Hoy, Blair; called to glory 10/27/2020

Hrdlicka, Leroy; status change from St. John, Wheaton to emeritus 07/01/2009

Hudson, Anneke; transfer from NID candidate to South Wisconsin District candidate

Lane, Jenna; installed St. John’s, Lombard

Segert, Richard; transfer from NID emeritus to Indiana District emeritus

Steltenpohl, Gayle; status change from Immanuel, Belvidere to emeritus 06/15/2016

Trinche, Lori; commissioned 11/16/2020

Trinche, Lori; installed LCMS Northern Illinois District

Voss, Ruth; transfer from NID emeritus to California-Nevada-Hawaii District emeritus

Wickboldt, Cynthia status change from Messiah, Chicago to emeritus 01/01/2018

As of October 30, 2020


Croon, Sr., Rev. Michael A.; from St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Chicago Heights, IL; (Sole); to Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in Norridge, IL; SELC District; (Sole); (10/01/2020)

Winkelman, Rev. Michael; from St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Morrison, IL; (Sole); to NID Emeritus; (10/13/2020)

New Church Start:

Resurrection Lutheran Church in Rockford, IL; NEW CHURCH START; (10/04/2020)


Antonetti, Karin; transfer from Indiana District to Northern Illinois District-candidate

Corker, Lynn; transfer from Northern Illinois District to Michigan District-candidate

Fingerle, Suzanne; transfer from Northern Illinois District to North Wisconsin District-candidate

Hansen, Darren; installed Rockford Lutheran School, Rockford

Hansen, Lori; installed Rockford Lutheran School, Rockford

Harman, Kristin; transfer from St. Peter, Arlington Heights to St. Paul, Decatur IL (Central Illinois District)

Kreiss, Sara; status change removed from the roster – resigned voluntarily 10/28/2020

Lis, Rogene; status change from Trinity, Roselle to emeritus

Schultz, Michelle; commissioned 10/11/2020

Schultz, Michelle; installed Walther Christian Academy, Melrose Park

Taylor, Gail; status change removed from roster by action of the District President 10/30/2020

Zielke, Adolph; transfer from Michigan District to Northern Illinois District-emeritus

As of September 30, 2020


Heine, Rev. Jacob P.; from Christ the Rock Lutheran Church in Rockford, IL; (Senior); to Faith Lutheran Church, Topeka, KS; Kansas District; (Senior); (09/28/2020)

Kirschenmann, Rev. James E.; from Lutheran Church Charities in Northbrook, IL; (Pastor & Assistant to the President); to NID Candidate Status; (09/16/2020)


Baerenklau, James; installed Trinity, Lombard

Bernier, Julie; status change from Walther Christian Academy, Melrose Park to candidate

Calhoun, Richard; status change from Concordia University Chicago to emeritus (06/30/2014)

Carnehl, Janet; status change from St. Peter, Arlington Heights to candidate

Easley, Jacqueline; status change removed from roster by action of the District President 09/30/2020

Gonzalez, Rebecca; status change removed from roster – resigned from roster 09/24/2020

Graf, Jennifer; installed Immanuel, Elmhurst

Hermann, Alfred; status change from Concordia University Chicago to emeritus (06/30/2003)

Johnson, Linda; status change from St. Paul, Chicago (Austin) to emeritus

Jurica, Katrina; installed St. John’s, Chicago

Klotz, Verner; status change from Concordia University Chicago to emeritus (07/01/2017))

Ohm, Elisabeth; installed Immanuel, Elmhurst

Rink, Adam; installed Immanuel, Elmhurst

Schuemer, Lisa; installed St. John’s, Chicago

Siksna, Carrina; installed Immanuel, Belvidere

Staehr, Brian; installed Concordia, Machesney Park

Staehr, Jerrita; installed Rockford Lutheran, Rockford

Venzke, Randell status change removed from roster by action of the District President 09/30/2020

Wierman, Judith; status change from Bethesda Lutheran Communities to candidate

Yamate, Amanda; installed St. John’s, Chicago

As of August 31, 2020


Campbell, Rev. Braun C.; from St. John’s Lutheran Church, Alexandria, VA, Southeastern District; (Associate); to Immanuel Lutheran Church, Belvidere, IL, NID; (Senior); (08/16/2020)

Glombicki, Rev. Joseph; graduate from SMP Program, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO; to Immanuel Lutheran Church, East Dundee, IL; (SMP Assistant Pastor); (Ordained & Installed 08/29/2020)

Gunia, Rev. Matthew J.; from Ascension Lutheran Church, Niles, IL; (Sole); to Trinity Lutheran Church, Ironwood, MI, North Wisconsin District; (Sole); (08/10/2020)

Heinz, Rev. Richard A.; from Concordia University, Chicago; (CUC Faculty); to Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Lowell, IN, Indiana District; (Sole); (08/05/2020)

Klopke, Rev. Paul J.; from St. Peter Lutheran Church, Arlington Heights, IL; (Associate); to NID Candidate status (08/16/2020); from NID Candidate status; transfer to Indiana District, Candidate status; (08/16/2020)

Krueger, Rev. Rod M.; from Redeemer Lutheran Church, Prospect Heights, IL; (Sole); to Bethany Lutheran Church, Kaukauna, WI, North Wisconsin District; (Sole); (08/24/2020)

Wyeth, Rev. Dwight; graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO; to Zion Lutheran Church, Bonfield, IL; (Sole); (Ordained & Installed 08/09/2020)


Buss, Naomi; commissioned 8/16/2020

Buss, Naomi; installed Immanuel, Crystal Lake

DeCant, Crystine; status change from St. Paul, Mount Prospect to candidate

Dunwell, Erin; installed Bethany, Naperville (principal)

Fingerle, Suzanne; status change from Immanuel, Freeport to candidate

Fogelman, Erica; commissioned 8/16/2020

Fogelman, Erica; installed Lutheran Church of St. Luke, Itasca

Francisco, Adam; installed Concordia University Chicago, River Forest

Fritz, Zelma; called to glory 10/20/2016

Heimsoth, Kristy; installed Immanuel, Palatine

Krueger, Gretchen; status change removed from roster-resigned voluntarily 08/12/2020

Miller, Nikelle; status change removed from roster-resigned voluntarily 08/18/2020

Mullaney, Joy; status change from candidate to Immanuel, Palatine (principal)

O’Connor, Kristin; installed Immanuel, Crystal Lake

Piel, Pamela; correction: status change candidate to emeritus

Piel, Paul; status change from St. Peter, Arlington Heights to emeritus

Price, Lora; installed St. Paul, Aurora

Rittenhouse, Amy; status change from Trinity, Lombard to candidate

Rose, Richard; called to glory 8/23/2020

Rottman, Dineen; status change candidate to Faith, Eustis, FL

Schlesselman, Denise; installed Christ Lutheran School Association, Sterling

Scott, Debra; installed Trinity, Lombard

Sidlowski, Jillian; status change from Good Shepherd, Frankfort to candidate

Sievert, Benjamin; transfer from Rockford Lutheran School, Rockford to St. Lorenz, Frankenmuth, MI

Sleezer, Meghan; installed Concordia University Chicago, River Forest

Swett, Jessica; status change removed from roster by action of the District President 08/05/2020

school inactive  St. John Early Learning Center, Darien for 2020-2021 school year

school inactive  Zion Lutheran Preschool, Ottawa for 2020-2021 school year

school inactive  St. Luke’s Christian Academy for 2020-2021 school year

school inactive  Holy Cross Lutheran Preschool, Cary for 2020-2021 school year

As of July 31, 2020


Dorn, Rev. Louis O.; from NID Emeritus; Called to Glory (07/16/2020)

Frazier, Rev. Larry; from NID Emeritus; to Ohio District; Emeritus (07/07/2020)

Hatesohl, Rev. Andrew B.; graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO; to Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Huntley, IL; (Sole); (Ordained & Installed 07/05/2020)

Heller, Rev. Brian R.; from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Walnut, IL; (Sole); to Lutheran Senior Services – Laclede Groves, St. Louis, MO, Missouri District; (Chaplain); (07/20/2020)

Reinhard, Rev. Sam C.; graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO; to St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Park Ridge, IL; (Associate); (Ordained & Installed 07/19/2020)


Benning, Sarah; status change removed from roster-resigned voluntarily 07/01/2020

Bredehoft, David; transfer from emeritus to Ohio District

Costenaro, Lorilee; status change from St. John, Lansing to emeritus 05/30/2015

Gaffney, Sarah; status change from St. Paul, Brookfield to candidate

Holler, Nora; status change from St. John’s, Lombard to candidate

Holler, Nora; transfer from candidate to Southern District

Kaspar, Neil; transfer from emeritus to Rocky Mountain District

Klopke, Julie; call accepted from St. Peter, Arlington Heights to St. John, Indianapolis, IN

Kuhnert, Susan; status change from Divine Shepherd Little Lambs Preschool, Bolingbrook to emeritus 08/01/2013

Kulat, Diane; status change from Trinity, Lisle to emeritus 04/01/2020

Kulat, Terry; status change from Trinity, Lisle to emeritus 04/01/2020

Landgrave, Aaron; status change from St. John’s, Lombard to candidate

Lavado, Kimberly; status change from Concordia University Chicago to candidate

Olson, Morris; status change from Lutheran Church Charities to emeritus 02/28/2019

Pederson, Jessica; status change from Immanuel, Elmhurst to candidate

Peters, Kenzie; transfer from St. Paul, Rochelle to Elm Grove Lutheran, Elm Grove WI

Piel, Pamela; status change from St. Peter, Arlington Heights to emeritus

Reck, Linda; status change from St. Peter, Schaumburg to emeritus

Rissman, Lora; status change removed from roster-resigned voluntarily 07/28/2020

Schlesselman, Denise; transfer from candidate-Missouri District to Christ, Sterling

Stumpf, Linda; status change from Immanuel, Downers Grove to emeritus 06/30/2018

Vyhanek, Carol; status change from Immanuel, Palatine to emeritus

Wickboldt, Mark; status change from St. Philip, Chicago to emeritus

Wysocki, James; status change from St. Paul, Rockford to candidate

As of June 30, 2020


Antonetti, Rev. Christopher O.; graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN; to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Lockport, IL; (Sole); (Ordained 06/20/2020; Installed 06/28/2020)

Etheridge, Rev. Robert D.; graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN; to Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church of Northbrook, Northbrook, IL; (Sole); (Ordained 06/28/2020; Installed 07/12/2020)

Fiene, Rev. Hans W.; from River of Life Lutheran Church, Channahon IL (Sole); to Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Crestwood, MO; Missouri District; (Sole); (06/01/2020)

Herbert, Rev. Scott E.; from St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Rockton, IL (Sole); to Messiah Lutheran Church, Corpus Christi, TX, Texas District; (Sole); (06/30/2020)

Kendall, Rev. Chad D.; from Trinity Lutheran Church, Lowell, IN, Indiana District; to St. John Lutheran Church, Wheaton, IL, NID District; (Associate) (06/14/2020)

Lange, Rev. Steven A.; from Living Word Lutheran Church, Orland Park, IL; Sole; to Resigned Voluntarily from the Roster (Ordained) (06/16/2020)

Steinke Rev. Jeremy A.; graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO; to Immanuel Lutheran Church, Elmhurst, IL; (Associate); (Ordained 06/28/2020; Installed 07/01/2020)


Barrick, Sharon; status change, removed from roster-resigned voluntarily 06/23/2020

Bartell, Marvin; status change, from Concordia University Chicago to emeritus 01/20/2003

Bolt, R. Kirk; transfer from emeritus to Missouri District

Bower, Edward; transfer from emeritus to Southern Illinois District

Burch, Michelle; transfer from candidate to Indiana District

Carlton, Joann transfer from emeritus to Michigan District

Flandermeyer, Roger; transfer from emeritus to Missouri District

Flett, Douglas; called to glory     6/4/2020

Goines, Thomas; transfer from Concordia University Chicago to Concordia University Nebraska

Gutwein, Susan; status change from Trinity, Lombard to emeritus

Hagenmueller, Ernest; called to glory 2/24/2020

Klingelhofer, Carol; status change from St. Paul, Mount Prospect to emeritus 08/15/2010

Lucero, Darla; status change resigned from roster-resigned voluntarily 06/24/2020

Lyvers,  Alison; status change from Immanuel, Freeport to candidate

Oesterreich, Allan; transfer from emeritus to Southeastern District

O’Neil, Haley; call accepted from Christ Lutheran School, Sterling to St. John, Napoleon OH

Rathke, Arrin; status change removed from roster-resigned voluntarily 06/01/2020

Soper, Natalie; status change removed from action by action of the district president 06/10/2020

Ueltzen, Vanessa; installation from Lutheran Unity School Association, Chicago to Walther Christian Academy, Melrose Park 01/13/2019

Weyer, Edith; transfer from emeritus to Pacific Southwest District

Wenzel, Gary; status change from Concordia University Chicago to emeritus 06/30/2013

school suspended St. John Early Learning Center, Darien for 2020-2021 school year

school suspended Zion Lutheran Preschool, Ottawa for 2020-2021 school year

As of May 31, 2020


Homan, Rev. Martin J.; from NID Emeritus; to Indiana District, Emeritus (05/21/2020)

Pittelko, Rev. Dr. Dean D.; from Our Redeemer Lutheran, Freeport, IL (Sole); to NID Emeritus (05/01/2020)

Stein, Rev. Michael L.; graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis; to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Beecher (Sole) (Ordained 05/31/2020; Installed 06/14/2020)

Stephens, Rev. James P.; from NID Emeritus; Called to Glory (05/31/2020)

Zimmer, Rev. David C.; from Candidate status; to Divine Shepherd Lutheran Church, Bolingbrook, IL; (Sole) (05/17/2020)


Bontrager, Rebecca; status change removed from roster-resigned voluntarily 05/14/2020

Gedvilas, Leah; status change from Concordia University Early Childhood Center to candidate 12/31/2014

Lavicka, Jan; transfer from candidate to Central Illinois District 05/13/2020

Laubenstein, Katherine; transfer from St. Paul, Brookfield to Peace, Sussex WI 08/26/2018

Olson, Susan; status change from Lutheran Church Charities to candidate 05/21/2020

Schiestel, Delaine; transfer from Immanuel, Palatine to Grace, Huntsville AL

Smith, Sherrie; update from St John’s, LaGrange and Zion, Hinsdale to Zion, Hinsdale only 07/01/2018

Vito, Samantha; transfer from Rockford Lutheran School, Rockford to Christ the King, Lake Ozark MO

Winge, Rebecca; status change removed from roster-resigned voluntarily 05/06/2020

As of April 30, 2020


Gauger, Rev. William J. from Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Florence, KY; Ohio District; to Trinity Lutheran Church, Genoa, IL; (Sole) (04/30/2020)

Haberkost, Rev. James P.; called to glory 04/28/2020

Huber, Rev. John G.; from Pacific Southwest District; Emeritus; transferred into NID; Emeritus (04/17/2020)


Barz, Jonathan; status change removed from roster-resigned voluntarily 04/01/2020

Bower, Edward; transfer from emeritus to Southern Illinois District 06/01/2019

Domroese, Kenneth; status change removed from roster-resigned voluntarily 04/01/2020

Finnegan, Peter; transfer from candidate to South Wisconsin District 07/01/2015

Fode, Ronald; called to glory 3/8/2019

Glandorf, Brenda; transfer from emeritus to Iowa East District 08/31/2016

Gritzmacher, Katrina; status change from Concordia, Machesney Park to candidate 07/01/2014

Hahn, Lana; transfer from emeritus to South Wisconsin District 08/01/2016

Hemme, Barbara; status change  from Cedar Lutheran Living Centers to emeritus

Hildebrand, Danielle; transfer from candidate to Indiana District 08/01/20002

Kaspar, Neal; status change from Bethany, Naperville to emeritus

Kloess, Linda; status change removed from roster-resigned voluntarily

McLaughlin, Candace; transfer from emeritus to Indiana District 06/01/2017

Meyer, Mary; transfer from emeritus to Indiana District 07/01/2016

Mumme, Rachel; status change from Westfield House, Cambridge, England to candidate

Nielsen, George; transfer from emeritus to South Dakota District 08/01/1997

Pieper,  Darald; called to glory 4/28/2020

Rezek, Robin; status change from Immanuel, Elmhurst to candidate

Thurn, Kathleen; transfer from emeritus to Indiana District 07/01/2010

Vehmeier, Kathleen; status change from Immanuel, Freeport to candidate 06/30/2018

Will, Debra; status change from St. Paul, Oak Lawn to emeritus

As of March 31, 2020


Hoeker, Rev. Paul M.; called to glory 03/12/2020

Knapp, Rev. Stephen A.; from NID Candidate status; to NID Emeritus; (02/12/2020)

Wahl, Rev. Harold I. Jr.; called to glory 02/05/2020

Vida y Fe / Life & Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church, Elgin IL; New Start Church; (03/01/2020)


Blackwell, Kristine; status change from Voice of Care to emeritus

Fisher, Janet; status change from candidate to emeritus 06/30/2019

Hasseldahl, Lisa; status change from Zion, Marengo to candidate 07/31/2018

Hopman, Susanna; transfer from candidate to Central Illinois District 08/01/2019

McLaughlin, Candace; status change from candidate to emeritus 06/01/2017

Mueller, Pamela; transfer from emeritus to Northwest District 08/10/2018

Nemoyer, Nancy; transfer from candidate to Ohio District 01/2020

Niss, Muriel; called to glory 6/2/2019

Schoepp, Mark; status change from candidate to emeritus

Sullivan, Brooke; status change from Zion, Marengo to candidate

Theilgaard, Diana; called to glory 11/22/2019

Walsh-Dierks, Aimee; transfer from Concordia University Chicago Early Childhood to Amazing Grace, Oxford Florida 10/2019

As of February 29, 2020


Wilkie, Rev. Wesley H.; called to glory 01/25/2020


Asher, Jennie; installation, LCMS Office of International Mission 07/02/2014

Baerenklau, Elizabeth; commissioned 2/23/2020

Baerenklau, Elizabeth; installation, Immanuel, Elmhurst (teacher)

Blake, Mary; status change from Trinity, Lisle to Emeritus

Harrison, Kimberly; status change, resigned voluntarily from roster

Haseman, Irma; called to glory 7/15/2019

Heinze, Jennifer; status change from St. Paul, Mount Prospect to candidate 08/01/2019

Hopman, Susanna; status change from Zion, Beecher to candidate

Kress, Miranda; commissioned 2/9/2020

Kress, Miranda; installation St. Andrews, Park Ridge (teacher)

Mahoney, Judith; status change from St. John, Wheaton to emeritus 08/12/2010

Phillips, Karen; commissioned 2/2/2020

Phillips, Karen; installation St. John’s, Elgin (teacher)

Prine, Barbara; commissioned 2/23/2020

Prine, Barbara; installation Immanuel, Elmhurst (teacher)

Schmeckpeper, Stacey;  status change, resigned voluntarily from roster

Sleezer, Meghan; status change from Luther High School North 07/01/2010

Sonlitner, Glenn; status change from Bethany, Naperville to emeritus 7/01/2013

Stradtmann, Amy; installation Concordia University Chicago 02/27/2020 (faculty)

As of January 31, 2020


Mrochen, Rev. George J.; from Emeritus; to St. Peter Lutheran Church, Chicago IL; (Sole) [01/19/2020]

Whitby, Rev. Kristopher R.; from St. Paul Lutheran Church, Mount Prospect, IL; to Northern Illinois District Office Staff; (Assistant to the President – Mission & Ministry) [02/27/2020]


Adams, Garnet; status change from Zion, Marengo to emeritus 4/30/2010

Killian, Lisa; installation Zion, Marengo 8/26/2018 (teacher)

McBee, Ethan; commissioned 9/27/2015

McBee, Ethan; installation Rockford Lutheran School 9/27/2015

Markworth, Douglas; transfer Grace Lutheran School, Chicago – English District

Mullaney, Joy; status change from Concordia University Chicago to candidate

Niccolai, Cyntha; status change  from Bethany, Naperville to candidate

Peterson, Keith; status change from Lutheran Hour Ministries to emeritus

Peterson, Keith; transfer emeritus Northern IL District to Pacific Southwest District

Strzemieczny, Sylvia; status change from St. Paul’s, Chicago Heights to emeritus 8/01/2012

Terrell,  Virginia; status change from Gloria Dei, Chicago to candidate 7/01/2019

Zimdahl, Bernard; status change from St. John’s, Elgin to emeritus 8/01/2012

As of December 31, 2019


Eaves, Rev. Thomas E.; from Minnesota North District to Northern Illinois District; to St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, North Plato/Hampshire, IL; (Sole)

Krueger, Rev. Ray A.; from Immanuel Lutheran Church, DeKalb, IL; to St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, St. Charles, IL; (Interim)

Metzger, Rev. Marvin G.; from The Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. John, Sycamore, IL; to Emeritus [12/11/2019]

Scharrer, Rev. Gary J.; from Rockford Lutheran School, Rockford, IL; (Teacher); to Candidate [12/03/2019]

Galligar, Rev. Patrick J. ; from Indiana District to Northern Illinois District; to Zion Lutheran Church, Marengo, IL; (Associate)

Dail, Rev. Jason A.; from New Song Community Church, Aurora, IL; (Sole); to Candidate [12/11/2019)

Rozelle, Rev. Randall L.; from Trinity Lutheran Church, Roselle, IL; (Assistant); to St. Peter Lutheran Church and School, Arlington Heights, IL; (Campus Pastor)

Keifer, Rev. John; from Northern Illinois District to Indiana District; (Emeritus)


Stradtmann, Amy; reinstated to candidate status

Peterson, Keith; status change from active (LHM) to emeritus

Boche, Benjamin status change from active (Concordia University Chicago) to candidate; transfer to Indiana District (candidate)

Arnold, Linda; status change from active (Trinity, Lisle) to emeritus 08/2011

Pikalek, Gary; status change from active (St. John’s, Country Club Hills) to emeritus 07/02/2011

As of November 30, 2019


Brondos, Rev. Joel A.; from Northern Illinois District; to Rocky Mountain District; (Emeritus) [10/08/2019]

Hein, Rev. Mark H.; from St. Paul Lutheran Church, Lockport, IL; to Emeritus [10/14/2019]

Jung, Rev. Christopher D.; from Rockford Lutheran High School, Rockford, IL; to Candidate [10/28/2019]; from Northern Illinois District; to Michigan District [11/04/2019]

Kirschenmann, Rev. James E.; from St. Paul’s and Immanuel, St. Louis, MO (Sole); Missouri District; to Lutheran Church Charities, Northbrook, IL (Assistant to Director of K-9 Ministry); Northern Illinois District [11/16/2019]

Mueller, Sr., Rev. Charles S.; from Trinity Lutheran Church, Roselle, IL (Assistant Pastor); Called to Glory [10/30/2019]

Rossow, Rev. Timothy A.; from Northern Illinois District; to Northwest District; (Emeritus) [11/04/2019]


Valenzano, Alison; status change from Zion, Beecher to candidate effective 08/01/2019

Gruenwald, Catherine; status change from candidate to Concordia University Chicago (teacher)

Gruenwald, Catherine; installation Concordia University Chicago 10/02/2019

Heimsoth, Kristy; installation Concordia University Chicago 10/02/2019 (teacher)

Johnson, Linda; installation St. Paul, Chicago (on Menard) 09/22/2019 (teacher)

Johnson, Nicolette; commissioned 9/22/2019

Johnson, Nicolette; installation Lord of Glory, Grayslake (DCE)

Karvelius, Victor; transfer to Mid-South District (emeritus)

Keane, Kimberly; installation Concordia University Chicago 10/02/2019 (teacher)

Latzke, Henry; called to glory 10/22/2019 (teacher)

Link, Haley; installation from St John’s, Arnold, MO to Trinity, Roselle (DCE)

Mueller, Victoria; installation Cross, Yorkville 08/18/2019 (teacher)

Olson, Susan; installation St. John’s, Lansing to Lutheran Church Charities 09/29/2019 (teacher)

Stiek, Katarina; installation Immanuel, Palatine 10/06/2019 (teacher)

Treftz, Stephanie; status change resigned from roster voluntarily

As of October 31, 2019


Brondos, Rev. Joel A.; St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Brookfield, IL; to Emeritus [08/01/2019]

Buchs, Rev. David M.; from St. John, Wheaton, IL; to Concordia Lutheran Church, South Haven, MN; Minnesota North District (Sole) [10/7/2019]

Gale, Rev. Joshua R.; Lutheran Church Charities, Northbrook, IL; Removed from Roster; Resigned Voluntarily [10/08/2019]

Haney, Rev. Byrene K.; Northern Illinois District, Hillside, IL; to Iowa West District Office, Fort Dodge, IA; (Assistant to the President) [10/01/2019]

Johnson, Rev. Charles D.; from Our Savior Lutheran Church, El Dorado, AR; Mid-South District; to Christ Lutheran Church, Orland Park, IL; NID (Associate) [Installed 11/3/2019]

Neugebauer, Rev. Kirk C.; from Messiah Lutheran Church, Sterling, IL; to Redeemer Lutheran Church, Paragould, AR; Mid-South District (Sole) [10/28/2019]


Edwards, Jennifer; commissioned 9/22/2019

Edwards, Jennifer; installation Concordia, Machesney Park (teacher)

Mullen, Susan; status change from St. Matthew, Barrington to Emeritus effective 12/15/2017

Olson, Susan; call accepted from St. John’s, Lansing to Lutheran Church Charities, Northbrook (teacher)

Rittenhouse, Amy; commissioned 9/22/2019

Rittenhouse, Amy; installation Trinity, Lombard (teacher)

The following school in NID has closed Oak Lawn, St. Paul; School closed 9/24/2019

As of September 30, 2019


Hess, Rev. Karl R.; from St. Peter, Joliet; to Emmaus Lutheran Church, Redmond OR; Northwest District (Sole) [9-2-19]

Kearney, Rev. Channing L.: from NID; to Indiana District [9-13-19]

As of August 31, 2019


Perry, Rev. Keith; from NID Emeritus; to South-Wisconsin District Emeritus

Hoffman, Rev. Robert A.; from Trinity, Huntley; to St. Stephen, Waterford MI; Michigan District (Sole)

Vician, Rev. Louis; from NID Emeritus; to Indiana District Emeritus


Brutlag, Sarah; commissioned 8/25/2019

Brutlag, Sarah; installation Concordia, Machesney Park (teacher)

Christiansen, Leslie; commissioned 8/25/2019

Christiansen, Leslie; installation Immanuel, Glenview (teacher)

Corbett, Carinna; commissioned 8/25/2019

Corbett, Carinna; installation Concordia, Machesney Park (teacher)

Cordes, Nancy; called to glory 6/29/2019

Dawn, Dr. Russell; installation from Concordia University Irvine (faculty) to Concordia University Chicago (President)

DeMarsh, Amanda; commissioned 8/11/2019

DeMarsh, Amanda; installation Immanuel, East Dundee (teacher) colloquy

Fingerle, Suzanne; installation from Immanuel, Palatine (deaconess) to Immanuel, Freeport (teacher)

Gahgan, Veronica; commissioned 8/25/2019

Gahgan, Veronica; installation St. John’s, Chicago (teacher)

Gebhardt, Kathryn; installation from candidate to Concordia University Chicago (faculty)

Gillespie, Angel; call accepted from St. Paul’s, Bourbonnais to First Lutheran, Paola KS (DCE)

Gulbrandsen, Sonja; call accepted from Gloria Dei, Chicago to Trinity, Stewardson IL (CID) (teacher)

Guynes, Allyssa commissioned 6/23/2019

Guynes, Allyssa installation Lutheran Church of St. Luke, Itasca (DCE)

Heinemann, Jonathan; installation from St. Paul, Tracy CA to St. Peter, Arlington Heights (principal)

Heinz, Julia; installation from Immanuel, East Dundee to St. Paul, Mount Prospect (principal)

Heiss, Christina; installation from Zion, Seymour IN to Trinity, Huntley (preschool director)

Herman, Richard; transfer from Wheat Ridge Ministries (president) to emeritus, Southeastern District effective 12/2018

Johnson, Deborah; installationImmanuel, Glenview (teacher)

Johnson, Hannah; commissioned 8/17/2019

Johnson, Hannah; installation St. Peter, Schaumburg (teacher)

Kosberg, Kasaundra; commissioned 8/25/2019

Kosberg, Kasaundra; installation Rockford Lutheran School at St. Paul, Rockford (teacher)

LeBeau, William; commissioned 8/24/2019

LeBeau, William; installation Cross, Yorkville (DCE)

Meulendyke, John installation from Immanuel, Brookfield WI to Immanuel, Crystal Lake (principal)

Nunez, Stephanie; status change from Lutheran Unity School Association, Chicago to candidate, Northern Illinois District, effective August 2015

Piel, Laura; installation from Trinity, Tinley Park to Trinity, Roselle (teacher)

Pritchard, Wendy; transfer from Immanuel, Glenview (preschool director) to candidate, Minnesota North District

Russell, Hannah; commissioned 8/4/2019

Russell, Hannah; installation St. John’s, Union (DCE)

Sawusch, Pamela; transfer from Good Shepherd, Pekin IL to candidate, Northern Illinois District

Schnurstein, David; transfer from candidate to Bella Vista Christian Academy, Tracy CA (teacher) effective April 2019

Staehr, Caleb; commissioned 8/25/2019

Staehr, Caleb; installation Rockford Lutheran School at St. Paul, Rockford (teacher)

Stirnaman, Jamie; commissioned 8/18/2019

Stirnaman, Jamie; installation St. Paul’s, Bourbonnais (teacher) colloquy

Streit, Richard; called to glory 6/18/2018

Tegeler, Sharon; installation from St. Paul, Chicago (Austin) to Trinity, Roselle (teacher)

Wickboldt, Ingrid; call accepted from St. Peter, Arlington Heights to Good Sheherd, Watertown WI (teacher)

As of July 31, 2019


Aubey, Rev. Dennis; from Christ Our Savior, Winfield, IL; to Emeritus (8/31/2019)

Bayer, Rev. Timothy; from St. Mark’s, St. Charles, IL; to Our Savior, Tacoma, WA; Northwest District (8/1/2019)

Gard, Rev. Daniel; from CUC President; to Emeritus; to Indiana District (7/1/2019)

Hoffman, Rev. Peter; from St. Luke’s, Montgomery, IL; to Emeritus; to Florida-Georgia District (7/1/2019)

Krause, Rev. Kenneth; from Mt. Olive, Rockford, IL; to Concordia, Machesney Park, IL (Senior) (8/24/2019)

Marque, Rev. Edward; graduate Concordia, St. Louis; to Concordia Lutheran Church, Machesney Park, IL (Associate) (7/28/2019)

Mast, Rev. Michael; from NID Office, Hillside, IL; to Florida-Georgia District (7/1/2019)

Mumme, Rev. Paul; from Divine Shepherd, Bolingbrook, IL; to St. John, Sycamore, IL (Senior) (9/8/2019)

Richardson, Rev. Kyle; graduate Concordia, Fort Wayne, IN; to St. John, Island Lake, IL (Sole) (6/30/2019)

Schettler, Rev. Matthew; graduate Concordia, Fort Wayne, IN; to Resurrection, Chicago, IL (Sole) (6/29/2019)

Sorensen, Rev. Robert ; from Good Shepherd Our Redeemer, Berwyn, IL, to Concordia University, Chicago (Professor of Greek & Theology)



As of June 30, 2019


Appel, Rev. Anthony; from Immanuel, Des Plaines to St. Peter, Morrison

Dietrich, Rev. Joel; from St. Paul, Beecher, to Redeemer, Lincoln NE (7/1/2019)

Gard, Rev. Daniel; from CUC President to Emeritus (7/1/2019)

LaMie, Rev. Julian; graduate Concordia St. Louis, to St. John, Beecher (Sole)

Massey, Rev. Steven; from Emmanuel, Aurora to Missionary at Large, IN

Mast, Rev. Michael; from NID District Executive, to Emeritus (7/1/2019)

Metzger, Rev. William; from Holy Cross, Cary to Emeritus, to MO District (7/1/2019)

Richter, Rev. James; Candidate to Missionary At Large, MI (7/1/2019)


Bohnhoff, Rachel; transfer Faith Lutheran High School, Crystal Lake to Mayer Lutheran High School, Mayer, MN (teacher)

Kogler, Henry; status change from Immanuel, Des Plaines to Emeritus (Minister of Music)

Pieper, Dennis; status change from candidate to Voice of Care (Director of Ministry Facilitators)

Prohl, Ellen; transfer from Immanuel, Downers Grove to Mount Calvary, Warner Robins, GA (Director of Parish Music)

Hoffmann, Ronald; Called to Glory – January, 16, 2019 (Emeritus) Correction of February 28, 2019 posting reported as Hoffman, Raymond

The following schools in NID have closed:

Bolingbrook, Little Lambs Preschool; School closed 5/24/2019

Chicago, Gloria Dei; School closed 6/7/2019

Crystal Lake, Faith Lutheran High School; School closed 6/23/2019

As of May 31, 2019


Heilman, Rev. Jeremy; from Trinity, Geneva; to Zion, Norridge, IL (SELC)

Kiefer, Rev. John; from Zion, Bonfield; to Emeritus (6/2/2019)

Knuteson, Rev. Dale; from Emeritus IN; to Emeritus NID

Metzger, Rev. William; from Holy Cross, Cary; to Emeritus (6/30/2019)


Hoffmann, Ronald; Called to Glory – January, 16, 2019 (emeritus) Correction of February 28, 2019 posting reported as Hoffman, Raymond.

Berdis, Juanita; status change to emeritus from Trinity, Roselle

Best, Rebekah; transfer from Family in Faith, Glendale Heights to Christ Lutheran, Peoria IL

Bolt, Kirk; status change from emeritus to voluntarily resigned from roster

Bower, Edward; status change to emeritus from Immanuel, Crystal Lake

Brenner, Emily; transfer from Trinity, Roselle to Faith, Marietta GA

Crawford, Kathryn; status change from Mt Olive, Rockford (DCE) to Candidate-Iowa East District

Garmon, Martha; status change from Prince of Peace, Palatine Director of Parish Music to emeritus

Hahn, Josiah; transfer from St Peter, Schaumburg to St Paul’s, West Allis WI

Holstein, Hertha; status change called to glory 05/10/19 from emeritus

Jahnke, Philip; status change from Rockford Lutheran School to candidate-Texas District

Johnson, Pamela; status change to emeritus from St Peter, Schaumburg

Lopez, Susan; status change to emeritus from Cross, Yorkville

Mackie, Debra; status change to emeritus from St John’s, Chicago

McFarlin, Jerry; status change to emeritus-Indiana District from St Paul, Oak Lawn

McFarlin, Vickie; status change to emeritus-Indiana District from from teacher

Mullaney, Joy; status change to candidate from Concordia University Chicago

Pfeil, Nathanael; transfer from St Peter, Schaumburg (Director of Worship Arts) to Holy Cross, Saginaw MI (Director of Parish Music)

Rogers, Randall; transfer from Concordia University Chicago to Salem, Tomball TX

Rudi, Bruce; status change to emeritus from St Peter, Arlington Heights

Stewart , Lois; from NID School Services Coordinator to NID Mission Facilitator-Schools

As of April 30, 2019 


Hein, Rev. Harold; Called to Glory – 4/1/2019

Ludwig, Rev. Richard; from Emeritus FL/GA; to Emeritus NID

Thies, Rev. David; from St. Paul, Rockford, IL to Candidate Southern District 3/21/2019

Clemmer, Rev. Seth; from Bethany Naperville (Associate); to Bethany, Naperville (Senior) 2/10/2019


Crawford, Kathryn; status change Mt. Olive, Rockford to Candidate (DCE)

Miller, Jason; status change Candidate to Rockford Lutheran High School, Rockford (teacher)

Miler, Jason; installation Rockford Lutheran High School (teacher)

Pacey, Denise; status change Called to Glory 6-7-2018 (teacher)

Piller, Victoria; transfer Emeritus to Grace Lutheran, Nashua, NH (New England District) (Minister of Music)

Schnurstein, David; call accepted/transfer Candidate to Bella Vista Christian Academy, Tracy, CA (teacher)

Stegemann, Delbert; status change Called to Glory 4-18-2019 (teacher)

Wysoki, Korey; installation Mt. Olive, Rockford (Youth Ministry Coordinator)

As of March 31, 2019


Stroup, Rev. William; Called to Glory – 3/12/2019

Walk, Rev. Kermit; Called to Glory – 3/20/2019


Berg, Carole; transfer Emeritus to South Wisconsin District (teacher)

Brandon, Katherine; transfer Emeritus to Michigan District (teacher)

Hoffmann, Victoria; removal from Roster resigned voluntarily (teacher)

Hull, Renee; call accepted/installation St. Paul, Oak Lawn to St. John’s, LaGrange (teacher)

McFarlin, Jerry; change of status Active to Emeritus; transfer Emeritus to Indiana District (teacher)

McFarlin, Vickie; transfer Emeritus to Indiana District (teacher)

Peara, Karen; change of status/call accepted Candidate to Active, to Family in Faith, Glendale Heights (teacher)

Welton, Michael; call accepted/installation St. Philip, Chicago to Immanuel, Freeport (teacher)

Wickboldt, Mark; call accepted/installation St. Paul (Canfield), Chicago to St. Philip, Chicago (teacher)

As of February 28, 2019


Barkley, Rev. Andrew; from Candidate status, NID; to Candidate South Wisconsin

Dassow, Rev. Eugene; SMP Graduate/Concordia St. Louis; to Christ Our Savior, Roscoe

Finney, Rev. Adam; from St. John, Island Lake; to St. Peter Vernon Center, MN MNS

DeMoss, Rev. Walter; Called to Glory – 2/4/2019

Mullen, Rev. Nicholas; from Our Savior, Carol Stream (Associate); to Our Savior, Carol Stream (Senior)


Becker, Kevin; installation; Immanuel, Crystal Lake (teacher)

Brandon, Kevin; from Emeritus to Michigan District (teacher)

Franklin, John; installation; Walther Christian Academy (teacher)

Gibbons, Lana; installation; Trinity, Huntley (Music director/organist)

Hahn, Richard; removed from roster by action of the President (teacher)

Heinemann, Jonathan; St. Paul, Tracy, CA to St. Peter, Arlington Heights (Principal)

Hemme, Barbara; installation, Cedars Lutheran Living (Deaconess)

Hoffmann, Raymond; Called to Glory – January, 16, 2019 (emeritus)

Hull, Deon; roster change/transfer, Walcamp Outdoor Ministries to Candidate (DCE), Michigan District

Jahnke, Philip; roster change/transfer, Rockford Lutheran School to Candidate (teacher) – Michigan District

Lucas, Krista; roster change/transfer, Candidate to Trinity, Traverse City, MI (teacher – Michigan District

Mattes, Craig; transfer Trinity, Lisle to St. Paul, Aurora (DCO)

Peper, Victor; Called to Glory – January 12, 2019 (teacher)

Peterson, Scott; transfer Candidate, NID to Wisconsion District (DCE)

As of January 31, 2019


Ridulph, Rev. Charles; Colloquy Graduate; to Trinity, Hampshire (Sole) 1/27/2019

Borhart, Rev. Glen; from Zion, Marengo; to Emeritus 12/31/2018

Ripke, Rev. Jonathan; from Zion, Marengo (Associate); to Zion, Marengo (Senior)

Ehrhard, Rev. Jacob; from Trinity, New Haven, MO; to St. John, Chicago (Sole)

Schellhas, Rev. Aaron; from St. John, Woodstock; to Immanuel, Mokena (Sole)

Staudacher, Rev. Theodore; Called to Glory (12/20/2018)


Bakere, Sean; status change Office of Int’l Missions (Slovak Republic) to Candidate (Oct 2016) (lay minister)

Brenner, Emily; Commissioning/Installation graduate Concorida University, Chicago to Trinity, Roselle (teacher)

Gaffney, Sarah; Call accepted/ Installation Voice of Care (Deaconess) to St. Paul, Brookfield (teacher)

Jensen, Karen; installation Rockford Lutheran School (teacher)

Kaiser, Joanna; transfer Candidate in NID to Rocky Mountain District (teacher)

Kuhfahl, Helen; status change St.Peter, Dundee to Emeritus (Certified Lay Minister)

Molotla, Elizabeth; status change Tabor, Chicago to Candidate (Deaconess)

Young, Norman; transfer Emeritus in NID to South Wisconsin District (teacher)

As of December 31, 2018


Bruening, Rev. William Philip; from Emeritus to St. Peter, Arlington Hgts (Assistant)

Klopke, Rev Paul; from Voice of Care to St. Peter, Arlington Hgts (Associate)

Noll, Rev. Thomas; from Emeritus to St. Peter, Arlington Hgts (Assistant)

Kittel, Rev. Charles; from Emeritus to St. Peter, Arlington Hgts (Assistant)

Schieber, Rev. Nathan; from St. Paul, Matteson to St. John/Trinity, North Dakota

Pittelko Rev. Dean; from Candidate to Our Redeemer, Freeport (Sole)


Bishop, Heidi; change of status St. John’s, Elgin to Candidate (Deaconess)

Carr, Allison; transfer Lutheran School of St. Luke, Itasca to Trinity, Utica MI (DFL)

Childress, Heather; transfer Candidate to Trinity, Hoffman IL (teacher)

Gnewuch, Cynthia; installation Candidate to Immanuel, Belvidere (teacher)

Miller, Jason; transfer Candidate from MO District to Rockford Lutheran, Rockford (teacher)

Phanke, Matthew; status change Removed from Roster by action of the President (teacher)

Peterson, Ralph; status change Candidate to Emeritus (teacher)

Reuter, John; Called to Glory on Nov. 26, 2018 (teacher)

Schulz, Janice;transfer to NID from Iowa West District Emeritus (teacher)

Serbus, Phaedra; installation St. John, Darien (Deaconess)

Sosnowski, Jennifer; status change Resigned from roster (teacher)

Taylor, Lisa; transfer Candidate to Bethlehem, Lakewood CO (teacher)

The following school in NID has closed:

Good Shephard Lutheran Church Preschool, Frankfort – July 26, 2015

As of November 30, 2018

Ordained: no changes


Brown, Carole; Graduate Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne to Evangelical Church of St. John, Sycamore (deaconess)

Craven, James; from Walther Christian Academy, Melrose Park to Emeritus (teacher)

Craven, Kathryn; from  Walther Christian Academy, Melrose Park to Emeritus (teacher)

Crouch, Ashley; from Lutheran School Association, Decatur, IL to Rockford Lutheran, Rockford (teacher)

Grabowski, Louise; from St. Andrew’s, Park Ridge to Emeritus (teacher)

Hull, Deon; from Candidate to Oklahoma District

Rezek, Robin; from Candidate to Immanuel, Elmhurst (teacher)

Schlie, Angela; from St. Paul, Lutheran, Oak Lawn to Immanuel Lutheran, Elmhurst (teacher)

Septeowski, Dawn; from St. Paul Lutheran, Chicago Heights to Emeritus (teacher)

Wiemann, Thomas; from Luther North College Prep, Chicago to Emeritus (teacher)

As of October 31, 2018


Marth, Rev. Cory; from St. John, Sparta, IL; to Immanuel, Hinckley (sole)

Perryman, Rev. Dennis; from NID Emeritus; to Indiana district Emeritus

Bleick, Rev. Roy; Called to Glory, 10/14/2018

Pauling, Rev. Delayne; Called to Glory, 9/23/2018

Bottorff, Rev. Chris; from Mt. Calvary, Calumet Park; to Emeritus and Indiana district – 10/9/2018

Hess, Rev. Joel; from Emmanuel, Cadillac, MI; to St. James, Chicago (sole)

Lambrecht, Rev. Jeffrey; from Bethlehem/St. John, Edgar/Milan, WI; to Beautiful Savior, Antioch (sole)

Schilf, Rev. Warren; from Immanuel, Palatine (associate); to Immanuel, Palatine (senior)

Howe, Rev. Andrew; from Good Shepherd, Elgin; to Mt. Calvary, Warner Robbins, GA


Allor, Cindy; Call accepted St. Paul, Oak Lawn to Trinity, Lombard (teacher)

Allor, Cindy; Installation Trinity, Lombard (teacher)

Behnke, Elaine; Transfer to Indiana District (Emeritus)

Behnke, Fred; Transfer to Indiana District (Emeritus)

Franklin, John; Call accepted Luther North College Prep, Chicago to Walther Christian Academy, Melrose Park (teacher)

Gutwein, Susan; Call accepted Immanuel, Batavia to Trinity, Lombard (teacher)

Gutwein, Susan; Installation Trinity, Lombard (teacher)

Oetting, Aaron; Roster change Faith Lutheran High School, Crystal Lake to Candidate (teacher)

Otto, Katelyn; Call accepted St. Andrew, Park Ridge to Immanuel Lutheran, Giddings, TX (DCE)

Volk, Susan; Installation Zion, Bensenville (teacher)

As of  September 30, 2018


Erb, Rev. Nathan; from Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, Garden City, NY; to Immanuel, Crystal Lake (SMP)

Olson, Rev. Kevin; from Trinity, Hammond, IN; to Redeemer, Rockford (Sole)

Prohl, Rev. John; from Emeritus; to Assistant to President NID

Zimmer, Rev. David; from Christ the King, Spencer, IA Candidate; to NID Candidate

Congregations Disbanded:
Zoar Lutheran Church, Elmwood Park, IL – Removed / Disbanded 1/25/ 2018


Maske, Andrea; Installation Good Shepherd, Elgin (Teacher/Director)

Moeller, Amy; Installation St. John’s, Elgin (teacher)

Nelson, Wendy; Installation Immanuel, Batavia (teacher)

Strecker, Ashley; transfer Candidate to MO District

The following schools in NID have closed:

King of Glory Lutheran Preschool, Elgin, IL closed August 1, 2018

Our Savior Lutheran Preschool, Carol Stream, IL closed August 31, 2017

As of August 31, 2018


Berg, Rev. Peter, from St. Peter, Chicago; to Good Shepherd, Middleville, MI

Lee II, Rev. James, from Trinity, Worden, IL; Concordia University Chicago staff

Acton, Rev. Thomas, from Immanuel, Palatine; to Emeritus 6/30/2018

Congregations Disbanded:

Risen Savior, Byron, disbanded 12/31/2017


Allmon, Richard; transfer Emeritus to Northwest District (teacher)

Brandon, Katherine; status change Concordia U Chicago to Emeritus (teacher)

Brandon, Kevin; status change Concordia U Chicago to Emeritus (teacher)

Green, Danny; Call accepted, Immanuel, Freeport to St. John’s, Chicago (principal)

Green, Danny; installation St. John’s, Chicago (principal)

Harrison, Kimberly; Call accepted Bethany, Naperville to Immanuel, Belvidere (teacher)

Harrison, Kimberly; installation Immanuel, Belvidere (teacher)

Hufford, Amy; Call accepted Candidate to St. John’s, Lombard (teacher)

Jensen, Karen; Call accepted North Valley Christian Academy, Phoenix AZ to Rockford Lutheran, Rockford (teacher)

Muench, Nicholas; Call accepted Zion,Marengo to Immanuel, Freeport (principal)

Muench, Sandra; Call accepted Zion, Marengo to Immanuel, Freeport (teacher)

Paulison, Elinor; transfer Candidate to Rocky Mountain District (DPM)

Witte, Dennis; transfer Emeritus to Rocky Mountain District (teacher)

As of July 31, 2018


Carnahan, Rev. Mark, from St. Paul, Melrose Park; to St. John, Lanesville, IN

Gilbert, Rev. Dan; from NID President; to President Emeritus NID

Gilbert Rev. Dan; from NID Emeritus; to MO Emeritus

Schmidt, Rev Harold ; Called to Glory, (7/15/2018)

Tutwiler, Rev Danny; from St. Paul, Aurora; to Emeritus (6/30/2018)


Allmon, Richard; status change Active to Emeritus (teacher)

Allmon, Richard; transfer NID to Northwest District (teacher)

Arturi, Jeanne; status change Trinity, Burr Ridge to Emeritus (teacher)

Ball, Carol; status change Trinity, Burr Ridge to Emeritus (teacher)

Bickel, Zachary; transfer St. Peter, Arlington Heights to Lake Country Lutheran High School, Hartland, WI (teacher)

Boor, John; status change Trinity, Tinley Park to Emeritus (teacher)

Carlton, Joann; status change St. Peter, Schaumburg to Emeritus (teacher)

Childress, Heather; transfer Grace Christian to Trinity Lutheran, Hoffman, IL (teacher)

Fisher, Karen; transfer NID to South Wisconsin (Emeritus) (teacher)

Gutwein, Manfred status change Immanuel, Batavia to Emeritus

Hasseldahl, Lisa; status change Zion, Marengo to Candidate (teacher)

Holland, Erin; status change removed from Roster (teacher)

Huber, Chad; status change resigned from Roster (teacher)

Hull, Deon; transfer Candidate to Oklahoma District (DCE)

Keating, Karina; commission/installation graduate to Zion, Marengo (teacher)

Kunz, Susan; status change St. John’s, LaGrange to Emeritus (teacher)

Novak, Charles; status change Trinity, Lombard to Emeritus (teacher)

Piller, Victoria; status change Trinity, Huntley to Emeritus (teacher)

Scheele, Ashley; transfer Immanuel, Freeport to St. John, Plymouth, WI (teacher)

Septeowski, Dale; status change Concordia University Chicago to Emeritus (teacher)

Septeowski, Dale; transfer NID to Missouri District (Emeritus)

Septeowski, Dawn; transfer NID to Missouri District (Emeritus)

Trah, Sheila; status change Zion, Marengo to Emeritus(teacher)

Trettin, Paul; status change Immanuel, Elmhurst to Emeritus (teacher)

Trettin, Paul; transfer NID to South Wisconsin District (Emeritus)

Viets, Norma; status change Immanuel, Crystal Lake to Emeritus (teacher)

VonHagel, Patricia; status change Candidate to Emeritus (teacher)

Weiss, Robert; Call to Glory 12/17/2018

Wickboldt, Mark; transfer St. Paul, canfield, Chicago to St. Philip, Chicago (teacher)

Witte, Dennis; status change Concordia University Chicago to Emeritus (teacher)

Zimmer, Jenifer transfer St. Peter, Arlington Heights to Divine Redeemer, Hartland, WI (teacher)

Zimmer, Michael transfer Northern Illinois District Office to Martin Luther High School, Greendale, WI (teacher)

Previously unpublished


Gibbons, Rev. Thomas, from St. Paul, Chicago; to Emeritus, (5/3/2018)

Knapp, Rev. Stephen, from Trinity, Chicago; to Candidate, (5/4/2018)

Okpisz, Rev. Steve,  from Faith, Geneva; to Holy Spirit, Elk Grove, IL

As of June 30, 2018


Schoenleb, Jr. Edwin; transfer Faith Lutheran High School, Crystal Lake to North Valley Academy, Pacific Southwest (7-6-2018) head of school

Schroeder, Byron; removed from roster 6/5/2018

Sprague, Robert; transfer Trinity, Roselle to candidate Nebraska District (4-19-2018) teacher

Strecker, Ashley; status change St. Paul’s, Chicago Heights to candidate (7-1-2018) teacher

Trettin, Paul; transfer Immanuel, Elmhurst to South Wisconsin District (6-15-2018) Emeritus

Zielke, Philip; installation president Phil’s Friends (RSO) (5-21-2018)


Bottorff, Rev. David; from St. John, Darien; to Emeritus (6/30/2018)

Bowman, Rev. Keith;  from Our Savior, Joliet; to Our Savior, Centerville, TX

Brown, Rev Michael; from Redeemer, Lincoln, NE; to St. Matthew, Barrington (Senior)

Buss, Rev. Dr Allan Buss; from Immanuel, Belvidere to NID President

Franzen, Rev. Dennis; from Trinity, Lisle; Called to Glory (6/1/2018)

Greunke, Rev. Dean; from Zion, Naperville; Called to Glory (6/11/2018)

Kinslow, Rev. Keith; from St. Paul, Chcago; to Chatham Fields, IL

Moldenhauer, Rev. Aaron; from Zion Beecher, to Concordia University, Ann Arbor MI

Mueller, Rev. John; from Valley Lutheran, Saginaw, MI; to Emmanuel, Dwight

Precht, Rev. Stephen; from Our Redeemer, Freeport; to Emeritus (6/1/2018)

Rosebrock, Rev. Matthew; from Risen Savior, Byron; to Immanuel, Lindenwood

Weinhold, Rev. Robert; from St. John, Sycamore; to Emeritus (7/31/2018)

As of May 31, 2018


Arthur, Dallas; transfer candidate to FL/GA District teacher

Benedict, Jeremy; transfer from St. James, Shawno, WI to St. John, Chicago, IL teacher

Benedict, Jeremy; installation 8-23-2015 at St. John, Chicago, IL teacher

Bishop Diane installation 8-28-2016 st St. John’s, Country Club Hills, IL teacher

Block, Gregory; removed form roster 5/4/2018

Dalton, Elise; removed from roster 4/16/2018

Filter, Elaine; change of status candidate teacher

Groth, Dawn; transfer to Rocky Mountain District (4/9/2018) teacher

Holland, Erin; removed from roster 4/16/2018

Lorenz, Nancy; removed from roster 4/26/2018

McAdams, Ryan; change of status candidate teacher

Schewe, Sarah; transfer candidate to South Dakota District teacher

Schoenleb, Jr. Edwin; transfer Faith Lutheran High School, Crystal Lake to North Valley Academy, Pacific Southwest (7-6-2018) head of school

Schroeder, Byron; removed from roster 6/5/2018

Schult, Hannah; commissioned/installed graduate CUC to Zion, Marengo teacher

Sinkoske, Sharon; remover form roster 5/8/2018

Sprague, Robert; transfer Trinity, Roselle to candidate Nebraska District (4-19-2018) teacher

Strecker, Ashley; status change St. Paul’s, Chicago Heights to candidate (7-1-2018) teacher

Taylor, Emma; transfer Immanuel, Elmhurst to Topeka Lutheran (3/22/2018) teacher

Tinder, Jane; transfer candidate to FL/GA District teacher

Trettin, Paul; transfer Immanuel, Elmhurst to South Wisconsin District (6-15-2018) Emeritus

VonHagel, Patricia; transfer to North Wisconsin (4/23/2018) Emeritus

Zielke, Philip; installation president Phil’s Friends (RSO) (5-21-2018)


Borghardt, Rev. George III; from Zion, McHenry; to Immanuel, Bossier City, LA

Rev. Larry Frazier, from Resurrection, Chicago; to Emeritus (3/1/2018)

Hudson, Rev. Daniel; from Sanctuary, Manhattan; to Shepherd of the Hills, Pewaukee, WI

Massey, Rev. Steven; from Candidate; to Emmanuel, Aurora (Sole)

Navurskis, Rev. Christopher; from Immanuel, Hinckley; to Mt. Calvary, Huron, OH

Stapleton, Rev. Mark; Colloquy, Concordia Seminary St. Louis; to St. John’s, LaGrange (Associate)

Spangler, Rev. John: from Christ Our Savior, Roscoe, to Emeritus (5/13/2018)

As of February 28, 2018


Davenport, Chandler, commission/installation, to Immanuel, Freeport, teacher

Gutzler, Donna, emeritus

Guymon, Michael, called to glory, 2-9-2018, lay minister

Heller, Jennette, candidate, from Indiana to NID, Deaconess

Johns, Katrina, commission/installation, to Bethel, Gurnee, DCE

Killian, Lisa, installation, from St. John, Algonquin to Immanuel, Belvidere, teacher

Kolander, Amanda, resigned from roster, from St. John, Algonquin, teacher

Krause, Katherine, installation, from Rockford Lutheran to Concordia, Machesney Park, teacher

Luetgert, Lynn, called to glory, 8-10-2015, teacher

Mititello, Brittney, removed from roster

Nemoyer, Nancy, active to candidate, from Concordia University, Chicago, Deaconess

O’Day, Kathleen, commission/installation, to Lutheran Church Charities, Deaconess

Pikalek, Janice, removed from roster

Scheele, Ashley, commission/installation, to Immanuel, Freeport, teacher

Schoen, Valerie, removed from roster

Schoepp, Mark, emeritus to candidate, DCE

Schwalge, Alice, removed from roster

Spurgat, Frederick, called to glory, 2-7-2018, teacher








