District Vice President Rev. Kris Whitby announces election of Pres. Dan Gilbert to his fourth term in 2015. It has been 12 years since the LCMS NID elected a new person to serve in this office, but it will happen in March 2018.

July 2017

President, VP Nominations Close September 30

The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod’s Northern Illinois District will be electing a new president on March 9, 2018, and the nomination process is underway. Current President Rev. Dan Gilbert, who has served in that office since first elected in 2006, is in his fourth and final term allowed under district bylaws. Congregational nominations are due September 30, 2017. Each voting congregation in the district may nominate one ordained minister for president. At least five nominations are needed to be eligible for the ballot.

But that’s just one of many offices that will be filled at the March 9-10 district convention. Delegates also will elect four regional vice presidents, district secretary, 19 circuit visitors and a 16-member Board of Directors as well as a representative to the Concordia University Board of Regents and an ad hoc district Committee for Convention Nominations.

All congregational nominations and names for the Nominations Committee should be submitted by September 30. Everything congregations need to make nominations, select delegates, submit overtures, etc., is posted on the district website convention page.

Position descriptions for the various offices also are at the website. Here’s the short list of what you need to know:


General Eligibility for Nominations

Must be: rostered professional church workers and lay persons who hold membership in good standing in a district congregation

Ballot: at least 2 candidates for each office will be submitted by Nominations Committee; floor nominations allowed

Not allowed: election to more than one office

Term Limits: 3 terms of 3 years each, except president whose limit is 4 terms. The special convention in March 2017 that realigned regions reset terms of all regional incumbents to 0, so they are eligible to be on the ballot again.


President (1)

Must be: ordained minister and NID church member

Nominated by: congregations in the district (one nomination per congregation); up to 5 candidates with 5+ nominations are eligible for ballot


Regional Vice Presidents (4)

Must be: ordained minister and church member in the region

Nominated by: congregations in the region (one nomination per congregation); candidates with 2+ nominations are eligible for ballot

Elected by: whole convention, but one region at a time, then additional votes to rank those elected


Regional Board of Directors (16)

Must be: 1 ordained, 1 commissioned and 2 lay persons from each region

Nominated by: Nominations Committee; anyone may submit names


District Secretary (1)

Must be: ordained minister

Nominated by: Nominations Committee; anyone may submit names


Committee for Convention Nominations (12)

Must be: 1 ordained, 1 commissioned, 1 lay person from each region

Nominated by: Nominations Committee; anyone may submit names


Members to Concordia Chicago Board of Regents (4)

Must be: 1 ordained, 1 commissioned, 2 lay persons

Nominated by: Nominations Committee; anyone may submit names


Circuit Visitors (19)

Must be: ordained minister with membership in member congregation of new 2018 circuit

Nominated by: circuit forums meet to nominate their own circuit visitor; convention elects the slate of 19 in one vote

NID Nominations Accepted Now