Our God is a God of Life

October 2021

“Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow.” This was the prayer in the hearts of those who attended the LWML NID Fall Gathering on September 25, 2021. It was the first in person District event since the Lenten Inspiration in March 2020. Seventy-two people gathered at Good Shepherd, Elgin, while another ten joined us online. The day began with a video devotion led by students from Christ the King Lutheran School in Chicago. They shared Bible readings and music from their violin group.

The title of this article is from a responsive reading used during the day. It is also the message of Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries (RLOM), a Recognized Service Organization (RSO) of the LCMS which “serves single, pregnant women and their unborn children.” Their mission statement explains that they provide “a safe and stable home” and that the women they serve “have opportunities for growth in their relationship with their Savior, as well as career, parenting, and life skills education.”

Rev. Edward DeWitt
Sheryl DeWitt

Rev. Edward DeWitt, president of RLOM, led our Bible study; and his wife, Sheryl (Executive Director), was our keynote speaker. She shared how their ministry began in Florida in 2013 where they now have both a maternity home and a transitional home where women can stay up to two years. Their goal is to have a maternity home in every LCMS district with their first expansion project being in the NID! They will be renovating a home in Carpentersville. Sheryl noted that God always provides what they need when they need it (people, money, etc.). They will be receiving a $100,000 grant from LWML during this next biennium (2021-23) for this Illinois home.

How can we help? Most importantly, pray for their ministry. Other ideas include faithfully giving our mite offerings, consider being an advocate in your congregation, or hosting a fundraiser. There will also be volunteer opportunities when the home opens – teaching life skills classes, babysitting, etc. (more information on that later). To learn more about the home and how to help, check out their website, rlom.org, and click on the “Illinois Expansion” tab. You may also get in touch with the RLOM contact in the NID – Deaconess Lori Trinche (lori@rlom.org). She would be happy to speak to your congregation or LWML group. She would also like to introduce the ministry to our Lutheran schools at a Chapel service.

Making Cards for Phil’s Friends

Now back to the Gathering. Everyone enjoyed a box lunch and time for fellowship. The afternoon activities included singing and making cards for Phil’s Friends (another national grant recipient).

Our next LWML NID gathering will be our Lenten Inspiration on March 19, 2022 at Cross, Yorkville. SAVE THE DATE!



WITNESS: Encouraging personal witnessing, congregational engagement with their community, support of our NID partnerships and missions and sharing in a world mission field together.

Our God is a God of Life