December 2016
By Jackie Bussert
Lutheran Church Extension Fund’s annual Fall Leadership Conference (FLC), one of the major annual events in The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod came to the Northern Illinois District November 18-20.
For three days each year, LCEF’s national and district staffs, delegates, and invited guests gather at various sites for an annual meeting and so much more: awards, break-out sessions, inspirational speakers, a gala banquet, and local flavor and fun.
And not just LCEF. During the preceding week there are meetings of Synod’s Council of Presidents, Board of Directors, LCMS Foundation, and district business managers with many staying for part or all of the weekend.
This year’s FLC at the Renaissance Hotel and conference center in Schaumburg, Illinois, saw more than 700 in attendance at LCEF’s opening banquet and awards presentations on Friday night. Over 500 stayed on through the remainder of the Saturday and Sunday conference.
The banquet speaker was renowned surgeon and new White House Cabinet appointee, Dr. Ben Carson. Saturday and Sunday speakers included author Eric Metaxas and John O’Leary, who survived extensive burns as a child. LCEF President Rich Robertson interviewed Astronaut Col. Jeff Williams, an LCMS church member from Texas, who in 2016 completed his fourth mission on the international space station. Synod President Dr. Matthew Harrison recounted milestone events of Martin Luther’s life in illustrating the conference theme, “Live Boldly!”
The Saturday lunch featured varied favorites from Chicago food stops (like Chicago beef and cheesecake), and a Saturday evening reception highlighted foods and music from several Chicago neighborhoods.
NID President Rev. Dan Gilbert introduced the audience to New Starts…New Believers to open the Friday banquet and also preached the sermon for the Sunday communion service, which was hosted by Trinity Lutheran Church in Lisle and led by Pastor Mark Schulz and Trinity musicians, including the Evangeli youth choir.
Short videos were shown from three NID congregations to highlight LCEF’s three core services. “Borrow” was filmed at the outreach-oriented KidStreet developed at Trinity Green Trails worship center in Lisle, with financing from LCEF. “Invest” depicted LCEF’s Young Investor Club activities at Immanuel, DeKalb. “Grow” explored the new youth initiatives incorporated into an LCEF capital campaign done at Immanuel, Palatine.
An unexpected announcement on Saturday morning was the coming retirement of LCEF President Rich Robertson. Robertson previously had lived in northern Illinois and been a member of Peace Lutheran Church in Lombard when he served as executive with the Kellogg Corporation.
He was retired and living in Atlanta, and also serving on the LCEF Board, when he accepted the president’s position of LCEF seven years ago. He expects to retire and return to Atlanta next October, he said.