By Jenny Scott

June 2021

Pam Meyer

Pam Meyer, a lay person and life-long member of St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Chicago Heights, knows the importance of coming together for worship. Though online worship definitely has its place, Meyer said that over time “church time” can become just like watching a scheduled TV show. The dangers are that people can become easily distracted, perhaps even fast-forwarding through portions of the service they may not like.

Meyer emphasized the importance of a Christian community. “Especially now, when many of our Biblical teachings are under attack, the support of fellow Christians on a very regular basis is critical,” she said.

She also pointed out that online services don’t allow us to receive the Body and Blood of Christ which is the real presence of Jesus, freely given for our forgiveness, life, salvation, and a public proclamation of His death until He returns. Meyer also stressed how important it is to witness other Christians in action.

“More than ever, society needs to see Christians living as Christians, walking the walk and not just saying we are Christians,” she said. “Being surrounded by other faithful Christians allows us to learn how to emulate how Jesus lived his life.”

Meyer, who has served in various lay positions for almost forty years, has been blessed with family witnesses to Christ. Her great-grandfather and a cousin were pastors at St. Paul’s. Great uncles, cousins, and a brother have also been pastors, and many of her relatives have served as Lutheran school teachers.

“My parents were very active in the church and the parochial school, so they modeled the faith behavior my family practices to this day,” said Meyer.



WITNESS: Encouraging personal witnessing, congregational engagement with their community, support of our NID partnerships and missions and sharing in a world mission field together.


The Power of In Person Worship