Pastors in attendance at the ordination, along with the acolyte and crucifer for the day. Front row: Matthew Haeseker (acolyte), Riley Marks (crucifer) Rev. Brad Urlaub, Rev. James Miller, Rev. Marty Marks, Rev. Kevin Hohnstad; Second Row: Rev. Jeremy Heilman, District President Rev. Dan Gilbert, Rev. Bob Weinhold, Rev. Ray Krueger, and Rev. Pat Pinion.

June 2017

Immanuel Lutheran Church & Student Center, in DeKalb, Illinois, was host to the ordination service for James Miller on Sunday, June 18, 2017. Miller was born into the congregation and his family is still active there today in many areas of church life and ministry.

Miller also was an active participant in the congregation’s campus ministry at Northern Illinois University before enrolling at the seminary. Immanuel’s Rev. Marty Marks is an LCMS campus pastor at NIU in addition to being the congregation’s senior pastor. Rev. Ray Krueger is on staff at Immanuel also. The congregation has a long history of active engagement with the NIU campus which is adjacent to the church’s property. They are also active with NIU’s international community.

Four of the pastors in attendance at the ordination came out of the congregation’s campus ministry program: Miller himself and Senior Pastor Marty Marks, along with Rev. Brad Urlaub and Rev. Pat Pinion.

Miller is a spring graduate of Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. He was called to serve as assistant pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in Nashville, Illinois, Southern Illinois District, where he will be installed on Sunday, July 2.

Immanuel DeKalb Hosts June Ordination