June 2021

Miguel Gonzalez-Feliciano was ordained and installed as Sole Pastor at King of Glory Lutheran Church in Elgin, Illinois, on June 13, 2021.

Miguel graduated from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, this past May and received his call to King of Glory as part of the Call Day Services in St. Louis on April 26, 2021. He received a BA in Theological Languages from Concordia University, Ann Arbor, Michigan, in 2017. Miguel has worked part-time as a meat porter, in campus safety, and part-time in the seminary’s technology services department.

Miguel, originally from Dayton, Ohio,  is married to  Rachel and they have a young daughter.

We welcome, Miguel Gonzalez-Feliciano to the pastoral ministry and to the LCMS Northern Illinois District. May God bless him and his family in their new ministry.

Seminary Candidate Miguel Gonzalez-Feliciano Ordained and Installed at King of Glory, Elgin