February 2025
The LCMS Northern Illinois District has partnered with the Belize Mission Society for the past several years, leading to formal adoption of the Belize Mission Society as the Northern Illinois District’s international mission focus at the 2022 District Convention. That joint mission and service continues on in order to bring the love of Christ to the people of Belize.
Opportunities exist for short-term mission trips sponsored both by the District and individual congregations who have partnered together. Churches and congregants serve as prayer partners and offer financial support. Additionally, a portion of the offerings gathered at the upcoming 2025 LCMS Northern Illinois District Convention will be designated toward the work of the Belize Mission Society.
Another way in which the Northern Illinois District partners with our neighbors in Belize is through the Hearts for Jesus program – a tangible way for students and families to support ministry.
Approximately 60 of our Lutheran schools and Sunday School programs throughout the District support the mission in Belize through their weekly chapel and Sunday School offerings. This particular partnership has existed for the past five years, with a specific focus for each year: the feeding program in Seine Bight (a collaboration between village leadership, school administration, and the Belize Mission Society) – more than 60 students have been selected, based on need, to receive a hot, nutritious lunch daily at school, have school registration fees covered, and are provided with school uniforms as needed; the scholarship program – financially supporting students who otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford to complete high school; Mercy House – a space in which to offer medical and dental care to villagers, and it now also houses the feeding program; the expansion of the feeding program into Georgetown – allowing an additional 25 students to be fed daily; and this year’s goal – to replace an unsafe playground at St. Alphonsus School in Seine Bight, Belize.
When asked about the vision and mission for the Belize Mission Society, Cathy Dulgar (Executive Director) shared, “The Belize Mission Society has been serving southern Belize since 2003 and is a multi-generational, growing network of Jesus followers that step into parts of Belize that others have not, so that they get introduced to Jesus. Utilizing our strengths, we meet the needs of the community with a consistent, personal, and relational approach. Through extreme generosity, we are leveraging our resources in a fiscally responsible way. We are embodying Christ so that others may be in the body of Christ.
“Our mission is joining Jesus to transform lives through mercy, compassion, and life together. The best way I can describe our mission is living in life together with our friends in Belize. We celebrate with them just as much as we grieve with them. They are our family. All of our relational mercy care points to Christ Lutheran Church. We are privileged and blessed to support 21 students in a high school scholarship program, as well as students in two feeding programs in southern Belize.”
Over $25,000 in contributions through Hearts for Jesus through the years has assisted in these various projects and programs Belize Mission Society has put into place and continues to develop.
Not only do the students and families in Seine Bight benefit from the Hearts for Jesus partnership with Belize Mission Society, but the students and families here in the Northern Illinois District benefit in many ways as well. Lois Stewart, NID Mission Facilitator for Schools, shared, “Our NID students are better able to understand outreach and foreign ministry. They gain a better appreciation and understanding for people they don’t know or who live differently. They realize Jesus loves all people and they love the joy they see in the photos shared.”
Join us in praying for the mission and ministry of the Belize Mission Society and the continued blessing that the Hearts for Jesus program is for all who participate. May the Lord continue to bless this partnership and use His people to shine the light of Christ to our friends in Belize.
More information about Belize Mission Society is available at their website. If you’d like to read a bit more about this year’s playground replacement plan, please go to the Hearts for Jesus webpage. Donations to Hearts for Jesus may also be made at this secure link.