April 2017
Brian Heller, Park Ridge, Illinois, received a candidate call to serve as pastor at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Walnut, Illinois, a Northern Illinois District congregation. Heller is in his final year at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana, and received his assignment at the April 25, 2017, call service held at the school.
Joshua Ralston of Maumelle, Arkansas, was assigned to serve his one-year student vicarage (internship) at St. John Lutheran Church in Wheaton, Illinois. The CTS vicar assignment service was held on April 24. (Deaconess placement and intern assignments will be announced in a service later in the spring.)
Two additional northern Illinois students preparing for church work at CTS Fort Wayne received assignments to serve in other LCMS districts. Phillip J. Allman, of Schaumburg, Illinois, received a candidate call to serve as associate pastor at Grace Lutheran Church, Midland, Texas. Rene Castillero, of Marengo, was called to serve as assistant pastor at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Sheridan, Wyoming.
Again this year, more congregations requested student vicars and pastoral candidates than were available for placement. The seminary expressed its hope that more potential students will answer the call to fulfill their vocation in professional church work. Both men and women are needed. Through our LCMS seminaries, men are prepared for pastoral ministry and women for ministry as deaconesses. For more information go to ctsfw.edu/admission.