Anniversary artwork created with the thumbprints of current students and staff

On Sunday, April 28, 2019, St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran School in Lansing, Illinois celebrated its 125th anniversary with a special worship service and gala. The theme was based upon Psalm 100:5 “For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His Faithfulness continues through all generations.”

The school was established in 1893. It’s mission: “to educate children to know God and His love through Jesus Christ and develop their talents and skills to serve Him.”

Serving as guest preacher at the Anniversary Service was Rev. Warren Malueg-Lattimore, pastor at St. Paul NE Lutheran Church, New Orleans, Louisiana, president of the Black Clergy Caucus of the LCMS, and vice-president of the Board of Camp Restore. He preached to “the love of learning and the learning of love” of which St. John’s provided him during his education. Rev. Warren is also a graduate of St. John’s Class of 1998. Four sons of St. John’s have gone on to become pastors. This perhaps is due to the influence of the teachers and pastors of their times.

During the afternoon gala, many memories were shared from the graduates of St. John’s Lutheran School. Graduates shared how they, their parents, their grandparents and even great grandparents attended St. John’s and how the school was a family. This was not surprising since generations of families attended St. John’s. Letters of appreciation were read and it was often stated how St. John’s provided “blessing too many to count”.

Former and current principals provided reflections of their time in ministry at St. Paul’s. During the gala, the Honorable Patti Eidam, Mayor of Lansing, issued proclamation in honor of the school’s anniversary.

Miss Liebe

St. John’s started as a one room school house, and was dedicated in 1893. The first one-class school was conducted by Miss Liebe in 1893 and their first called teacher served from 1894 to 1897. From there it was relocated, added to and now stands on Wentworth in Lansing.

Amusing tidbits of information were also provided, recalling major timeline events such as first having electricity available, indoor plumbing, paved roads and many more “modern” conveniences. As with many schools of its time, St John’s even had a bowling alley in the basement.

Countless hours of volunteer time and talents were lent to make the celebration one of joy. Well done St. John’s Lutheran School!

*History provided from the 125 Anniversary Celebration Bulletin and Program.

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Blessings Too Many To Count