By Jenny Scott

June 2021

Karina Mazariegos is currently enrolled in the Concordia Seminary’s Center for Hispanic Studies (CHS) Deaconess Studies Program. The four-year, online program will give her a certification as a commissioned deaconess in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

Once she is a deaconess, Mazariegos’ responsibilities may include human care, such as initiating telephone contact and visitation with the homebound, shut-in, and those in need of extended spiritual care; Worship, which entails supporting the Altar Guild as needed; Education, involving developing and teaching Bible classes and programs; and Women’s Ministry, such as providing resources for Lutheran women’s groups, and other projects to help nurture faith and carry out the congregations’ mission, provide appropriate ministry to single mothers and women, and support opportunities for hospitality.

The Northern Illinois District (NID) has supported Mazariegos with a grant. “I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the NID for giving me the opportunity to continue my studies at Concordia Seminary,” said Mazariegos. “God answered my prayers and with the help of the NID I can continue to do His good work as He commanded us.”

Karina and her husband, Pastor Jorge Mazariegos

Mazariegos also serves with her husband, Pastor Jorge Mazariegos at Vida Y Fe in West Dundee. Her duties there include being an ESL coordinator, church secretary responsibilities, and Woman Ministry leadership.

“Being a pastor’s wife and working alongside my husband has been a blessing,” she said. “We as a family serve the Lord, using the resources we have and trusting the Lord will provide resources and talents to reach those who need to know about Jesus’ love and forgiveness.”

Mazariegos said that last year was very challenging because of COVID. Their ministry was affected in many ways.

However, we witnessed the love, care, and power of our Savior Jesus Christ,” she said. The Vida Y Fe congregation is now able to witness that power together, which Marareigos believes helps create long lasting relationships. “Coming back to in-person worship reminds us of how important interpersonal relationships are and how we have been entrusted with spreading the good news of Jesus.”



WITNESS: Encouraging personal witnessing, congregational engagement with their community, support of our NID partnerships and missions and sharing in a world mission field together.

A Deaconess Education