September 2024 – Fall Ministry Update: Information from the Education Office

Nurturing Faith and Leadership: The Vital Role of Our Education Department in Supporting Church Workers

One of the greatest blessings that our Lord Jesus gives to the Church is the gift of our church workers. This spectrum of vocations includes not only pastors, but also teachers, Directors of Christian Education, Directors of Christian Outreach, deaconesses, and more. They are called to work in education, music, mercy work, and leadership positions throughout the District’s many congregations, schools, and Recognized Service Organizations (RSOs).

As the people of God, we promise to uphold and care for our church professionals. Our Education Office serves schools and commissioned workers. The various initiatives and events organized are designed to foster a nurturing and supportive environment for everyone involved in our educational and ministerial activities.

  • The Back-to-School worship service is a cornerstone event each year, marking the beginning of a new academic term, setting a positive and faith-filled tone for the months ahead.
  • New Worker Orientation is crucial in welcoming and integrating new staff members into our community, ensuring that new workers feel supported and equipped to fulfill their roles effectively.
  • The Educator Conference is a key event which offers professional development and networking opportunities alongside spiritual renewal for our educators.
  • Supporting call committees in their search for new church professionals is another important aspect of our work together.

Our church professionals are supported, empowered, and equipped to serve effectively. Annual school visits to all schools in our District allow us to maintain a close connection with our educational institutions. These visits enable us to provide personalized support, assess needs, and celebrate achievements.

The District’s Education Office is a blessing to every Lutheran educator in the NID, and we appreciate all that is done to support us, whether it is leading on-site professional development, sending a handwritten note in the mail, taking time for a personal visit to our classrooms, providing a chapel message, posting words of encouragement on our social media posts, encouraging us to share an idea with other teachers in the District, or including us in planning for District events…

—Donna Laughlin; Principal, Immanuel Lutheran School, Batavia, Illinois

The District is passionate about Lutheran education and always wants what’s best for our school and the children in our care.  We thank God for their servant leadership. The District Education Office is a valuable resource to me…They are truly interested in each and every Lutheran school in the NID.”

—Steven L. Hall; Principal, St. Paul Lutheran School, Rochelle, Illinois

Thank you to the District Education Office for all you do to assist me, the teachers and staff, and the students at St. Peter’s…You listen to the teachers and principals when creating meaningful professional development for all grade levels…Thank you for listening, hearing, encouraging, and supporting us at St. Peter’s.”

—Julie Messina; Principal, St. Peter Lutheran School, Schaumburg, Illinois


2024 Fall Ministry Update: Education Office