The year was 2006. Pluto was downgraded to a dwarf planet, Facebook became a public platform for anyone over the age of 13, and on September 1, Rev. Dan Gilbert became the President of the Northern Illinois District of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.
In the next twelve years, the country transformed with the Great Recession and the acceleration of social media into commerce and culture. In 2010, the Synod changed as we greeted a new synodical President, Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison, and embraced his emphasis for the church: Witness, Mercy, Life together. With each transition, the Church was steadfast: an unchanging message of hope serving an ever-changing world.
As we enter the final month of Rev. Gilbert’s twelve years in the President’s Office, we praise the Lord for what He has done in this district, pursue the present in the transition period, and pray for the future, remembering that steadfast message: it’s all about Jesus.
Looking Back
For the past twelve years, the District has continued to be on mission for Jesus. For the past eleven, we have been guided by a phrase which was birthed out of a staff retreat conversation one year into President Gilbert’s first term: New Starts…New Believers. Impassioned with a heart and focus to invite people in and serve new believers while knowing the Church by themselves cannot make new believers (John 15:16), the staff asked “where are we most likely to see new believers?” The answer was not in brick and mortar but in relationships: the church can go into the community, meet people, and invite them in, the Holy Spirit will move people to belief. On mission, we moved faithfully forward with New Starts…New Believers.
With a new initiative, the district moved forward encouraging one another to do even just one new thing. With phone calls to brainstorm ideas, learning communities, New Start Grants, and sending through ¡Enviando!, in the past twelve years, there have been over 200 New Starts in the NID. Praise be to God.
Looking Forward
It’s all about Jesus. Rev. Gilbert, we rejoice with you and Jan as you move to St. Louis to enjoy grandparenthood and pray for what the Lord will continue to do in and through you. Thank you for your humble service over the years in your various roles as a senior pastor, president, board member, mentor, husband, father, and friend. Well done, good and faithful servant.
This is Our Northern Illinois District!