December 2016
St. John Lutheran Church in Northbrook, Illinois, celebrated its 130th anniversary on Sunday, September 11. Along with interim pastor, Rev. Paul Dobberstein, who officiated the service, two former pastors of St. John participated in the special worship service. Rev. Dr. James Bach, who served St. John 1968-1975, served as the lector, and Rev. Michael Lutz, who served St. John 1976-1984, served as the preacher.
Pastor Lutz’ message, “What God Began, He will Complete,” was based on Philippians 1:6. (” And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”)
During the service, both the Chancel Choir and Handbell Choir added to the celebration with various anthems throughout the service. Together they presented the Gospel Canticle, “Blessed Be the Lord.” The Handbell Choir played “Majesty” by J. Hayford. The Chancel Choir sang, “To God Be Joyful” by Mozart. Following worship, everyone enjoyed a dinner in the church hall served by the Anniversary Committee.
With 97 people attending both the worship service and the dinner, there was much to be thankful for and to celebrate. Old friends reunited with joy. During the dinner, guests recorded their favorite memory of St. John, which were read aloud by the emcee. A skit was presented depicting the wives of two of the founding fathers talking about how exciting it would be to have a Lutheran church close to their farm. Twenty-eight door prizes donated by local merchants were given out, and the Chancel Choir sang “The Lord Bless You and Keep You” to conclude the festivities.
The congregation today averages only about two dozen in Sunday worship, but the church and facilities are abuzz year round with the Lutheran Church Charities outreach and training center that was given the property by the congregation, to share with them, several years ago. Lutheran Church Charities provides disaster response and facilitates human care throughout northern Illinois and in many places around the country, even internationally, and is especially well known as the home of the K-9 Comfort Dogs and Military Dogs.
St. John Lutheran Church is located at 3020 Milwaukee Avenue, Northbrook, Illinois, in the north suburbs of Chicago.